Friday, May 22, 2020

The reactionary position of Tom Watts PART1

Even if the New Afrikan Black Panther Party is upset that we have managed to expose Tom Watts as a Nazi, this does not mean we oppose our fellow Panthers, we fully support them. Yet it is always correct to expose Nazis. We have no idea who compromised Tom Watts but we do know that if the Central Committee does not denounce Tom Watts this in time will undermine their revolutionary efforts. We consider the New Afrikan Black Panther Party to be our Comrades. We especially stand with the New Afrikan Black Panther Party against the reactionary group known as Black Hammer.

This is Tom Watts on Facebook. This is him with his new Facebook profile. We don't need lectures about Prison. We need to keep Pantherism alive. We support the New Afrikan Black Panther Party, but we truly hope that they will not resort to lying about us or others in attempt to save face. Tom Watts is the enemy of the New Afrikan Black Panther Party not Panther C.O.D.E, not Jason Unruhe, not Jewish anti-Zionist Socialists and especially not the Maoist Internationalist Movement.
Most of what Tom Watts is reporting on concerning his own history is true. It is unfortunate that he is leaving out a bunch of information about how he became a Nazi, because truthfully we would like to know how that happened ourselves. What is the New Afrikan Black Panther Party going to do when we start coming out in the open, the fact that we are willing to make such clear statements backed with evidence should say everything. Many of us have seen Tom Watts and Prairie Fire together organizing Fascists. Let us also make something else very clear, the Leading Light Communist Organization funds Communists in the Third World, this actually does happen. The United Panther Movement needs to wake up and realize that Tom Watts is their Prairie Fire. It was Prairie Fire who decided to undermined the important work that the Leading Light Communist Organization was going to do for Bangladesh, instead of letting the Leading Light Communists reach out they way they wanted to, Prairie Fire decided to give money to a con-artist in Bangladesh. Think about this, we could have the Leading Light Communist Organization in the Third World and the United Panther Movement in the First World, but due to lack of vision no one cares to try this. Jason Unruhe has always stood up for the Urban Poor, he could have been the guy that platformed the New Afrikan Black Panther Party, but instead making up lies about the Maoist Rebel News is the agenda. Just as the Leading Light Communist Organization did not need Prairie Fire to lead them, the New African Black Panther Party does not need Tom Watts to speak for them. 

Is the theory of Maoism-Third Worldism a higher stage of Marxism?
No it is not.

Third Worldism is the study of the Global Class Divide.
The study of the Global Class Divide is part of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.
The Marxist-Leninist-Maoist-Third Worldists are actually disillusioned Marxist-Leninist-Maoists.
They are not Defeatists.
They are not Class Reductionists. 
They are not Privileged Middle Class Whites Only.
Third Worldists are Maoists that have become very frustrated with First Worldism.
Third Worldists are Maoists that have become very frustrated with White Privilege.
The way the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement has completely collapsed into the Way of Reaction and Outdated Concepts has had very destructive effects on the Maoists that aim for World Revolution. Let us get another thing corrected. Mao Zedong died a Reactionary.

Criticism and Self-Criticism;
Why did Mao Zedong refused to meet with Huey P. Newton because he was not a Head of State?

Criticism and Self-Criticism;
Why did Mao Zedong justify allaying with the primary contradiction of the United States of America? After all, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was a secondary contradiction.

Mao Zedong was correct to reject Nikita Khrushchev yet he was incorrect to accept Richard Nixon. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was a secondary contradiction, the Three Worlds Theory was anti-dialectical and reactionary. Everyone that defends the reactionary line of Three Worlds Theory is shilling for Americanism. Everyone shilling for Americanism exposes themselves as anti-Maoist. Marxist-Leninist-Maoists are typically attacked as Lin Biaoists because during the end of the life of Lin Biao he began to oppose the new Three Worlds Theory of Mao Zedong. In 1972 when Richard Nixon came to visit China this marks a revisionist and reactionary change in Mao Zedong Thought. Before the year of 1972 Mao Zedong began to centralize power and Lin Biao sought to oppose this, Lin Biao was very loyal to Mao Zedong but he was even more loyal to the teachings of Mao Zedong. Lin Biao died on September 13, 1971 then on February 21, 1972 Mao Zedong meets Richard Nixon, this is not likely a coincidence. There is no such thing as Lin Biaoism, what is slandered as Lin Biaoism is Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. Today the Third World is getting liquidated more and more, the most guilty liquidator is the United States of America. Americanism is the archenemy of Revolution and the Revolutionary Force may to some extent change yet the principle foundation of the Revolutionary Force is correctly identified in the work of  Lin Biao. The Base of Revolution is the Third World. The root of Maoism was Lin Biao and the Black Panther Party.
When Mao Zedong fell to reaction this destroyed what was a World Revolution, that revolution was rescued by the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement in the 1980s, finding vindication in the People's War waged by the Communist Party of Peru – Shining Path. The Revolutionary Internationalist Movement declared Marxism-Leninism-Maoism in the 1980s more than once, they declared this again in 1993.

The Shining Path was founded in 1969 by Manuel Rubén Abimael Guzmán Reynoso, a former university philosophy professor (his followers referred to him by his nom de guerre Presidente Gonzalo), and a group of 11 others. His teachings created the foundation of its militant Maoist doctrine. It was an offshoot of the Communist Party of Peru — Bandera Roja (red flag), which in turn split from the original Peruvian Communist Party, a derivation of the Peruvian Socialist Party founded by José Carlos Mariátegui La Chira in 1928.

José Carlos Mariátegui La Chira (14 June 1894 – 16 April 1930) was a Peruvian intellectual, journalist and political philosopher. A prolific writer before his early death at the age of 35, he is considered one of the most influential Latin American socialists of the 20th century. He once famously said;

“Marxism-Leninism will open the shining path to revolution”

This is why the Communist Party of Peru is better known as the Shining Path.

The work of Lin Biao was a foreshadowing of the Global Class Divide. Without this great work there is no Maoism. There are many who claim that Lin Biao contradicted Maoism, so many go as far as to falsely claim that the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement rejected Lin Biao. All anyone has to do to recognize how false such claims are, only need to look at how both Three Worlds Theory and Deng Xiaoping Theory stands in contradiction to the message of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement. Anyone who knows how to apply their research to the fall of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement will find that the opportunists desperately tried to hide these factors from new members that joined. With a combination of informants infiltrating the ranks of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement and the opportunists within the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement much confusion and disinformation has spread. But as newer Marxist-Leninist-Maoist cells throughout both the First World and the Third World begin to form, the lies are becoming more exposed than ever before.

Maoism is a continuity and rupture in Marxism-Leninism. Only a fully prepared Revolutionary Vanguard Party can lead the Revolution which can only be a Protracted people's war.

Protracted people's war is carried out by the Peasantry and Shanty Town Dwellers in the Third World.
The base of revolution is the Third World but if the First World is not sabotaged from within the First World will strangle the ability of the Third World to fight back against Imperialism. 

The slander done in the name of Kevin “Rashid” Johnson aimed against Jason Unruhe, the Leading Light Communist Organization and the Maoist Internationalist Movement is entirely dishonest. Marginalizing the Maoist-Third Worldists has served to discredit Tom Watts, it is Tom Watts who started this. In order to wake up the Maoist-Third Worldists you have to show them that the youth are waking up wanting to revolution, we are of course talking about the First World Lumpenproletarian Youth. The Maoist-Third Worldists mistakenly think that only a small fraction of the First World Lumpenproletariat will awaken. We can and we will! wake up the entire First World Lumpenproletariat. Maoism-Third Worldism will revert back to its true self as Marxism-Leninism-Maoism but this will happen by proving that the First World struggle matters just as much as the Third World struggle. As people in the Urban Streets get marginalized and their public records removed by the Police and Counterintelligence the only one who has begun to investigate – to then find out it is all true is Jason Unruhe. So much for the claims of White Privilege. Jason Unruhe the marginalized seeker of Justice, this is more accurate. In truth, Jason Unruhe is the Maoist Rebel.
Save the Organization.
The leadership of the New Afrikan Black Panther Party must remove their Prairie Fire.
We do not expect this post to impress anyone.
But this is a Preface to further statements that must be made.
Americanists are coming out of hiding, declaring openly that they intend to impose their will over the entire Planet. The open declarations of the Americanists will not stop with the end of a Donald Trump Presidency. Donald Trump is merely the catalyst that the Americanists needed to push their proxy scapegoats out of the way. Americanists want the World to fear them, those that benefit from the Imperialism of Americanists may not always be tolerant of Americanism but they will never truly oppose it until their own interests are threatened. It is in the interests of the Central Intelligence Agency to hide the importance of Lin Biao to Revolutionary China. Mao Zedong was beyond what any Revolutionary had been, he inspired World Revolution any sign of a return to that potential that was seen due to the amazing furthering of revolutionary science is usually derailed quickly by disinformation around the subject of Maoism. Efforts to confuse Maoism with Mao Zedong Thought is part of this disinformation. 
Long Live the Victory of People's War! Puts Politics Back in Command.

It is time to recognize the United States of America as the New Nazi Empire that must be ended if equality is to win over oppressive power. The magnitude of how fascist the United States of America actually is does not fully get proclaimed by most Socialists, this is one of the primary reasons that Socialism in the World is no longer relevant. Any desire to redeem or excuse the existence of Americanism by Socialists prevents any World Socialist Revolution from ever happening.
Operation Paperclip was a secret program of the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) largely carried out by special agents of Army CIC, in which more than 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians, such as Wernher von Braun and his V-2 rocket team, were taken from Germany to the United States, for U.S. government employment, primarily between 1945 and 1959. Many were former members, and some were former leaders, of the Nazi Party. When the Central Intelligence Agency was founded in September 18, 1947 it was done so with a Fascist mentality. It is a fact that in the decades after World War II, the Central Intelligence Agency and other United States agencies employed at least a thousand Nazis as Cold War spies and informants even all the way up to the 1990s, concealed the government’s ties to some still living in America.
In our next Post we will show some undeniable facts of reaction that Tom Watts has done.
We did not do this in spite, others are suffering right now and Tom Watts has a large share of the blame.
No matter how angry the New Afrikan Black Panther Party gets at us for what we have to do By Rebelling Against Reaction, we will continue to stand with them in their efforts to stop Black Hammer.
Lin Biao stated “History has proved and will go on proving that people’s war is the most effective weapon against U.S imperialism and its lackeys” and Abimael Guzmán vindicated this, the United States of America spent a lot of money to put down Abimael Guzmán. Just as the Maoist Street Code must stand as the foundation for Maoism in the First World Long Live the Victory of People's War! Must stand as the foundation for Maoism in the Third World.

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