Saturday, September 2, 2023

Full Solidarity for Dr. Weizfeld

We wish to express our full solidarity to abraham Weizfeld PhD. There are three divisions of Panther C.O.D.E; the Black Liberation Army (Central Committee of Panther C.O.D.E), the Old Guard (members of Panther C.O.D.E, each have them having been members of the original Black Panther Party for Self Defense as well as several members of what was the Black Liberation Army) and the New Generations of Panther C.O.D.E (Black Youth, Young Adults and Teenagers dedicated to the new synthesized Black Panther Ideology). All three divisions of Panther C.O.D.E are in solidarity with Dr. Weizfeld.

We have collected as many of the conversations between Steve Struggle and Dr. Weizfeld as we could and had a friend place them on a Channel for us. Many of the members of Panther C.O.D.E are also members of the New Afrikan Black Panther Party and some even in the Revolutionary Intercommunal Black Panther Party. While many of the members of Panther C.O.D.E see themselves as the Vanguard of the Black International Revolution especially the New Generations; Panther C.O.D.E does not claim to be the Vanguard of the United Inter-National Intercommunalist Convergence. However it is Panther C.O.D.E who facilitated the Convergence Conventions in Arizona as well as then slowly uprooting these Conventions from Arizona to California. By now all of the Convergence Conventions are taking place in California. This is important for context. Panther C.O.D.E follows the class-based ideological line of the original Black Panther Party while rejecting the race-based, anti-white politics of the New Black Panther Party. Pantherism opposes Black bourgeois nationalism and American reactionary patriotism. However some of the members of Panther C.O.D.E are also members of the New Black Panther Party, this is one of the reasons why Panther C.O.D.E tends to be marginalized. Members of Panther C.O.D.E are encouraged be in other Black Panther Groups, even more reactionary ones with the aim of attempting to influence Black Cadres to a better line. All three of these parties - the New Afrikan Black Panther Party, and the Revolutionary Intercommunal Black Panther Party and the New Black Panther Party tend to claim monopoly over Black individuals demanding party loyalty. The political killing of May 27, 2019 and the further killings following the days and years after up to more than half of 2020 - has kept most of Panther C.O.D.E underground. Panther C.O.D.E was not underground before May 27, 2019. When Panther C.O.D.E was stonewalled by other Black Panther Groups, old websites which we could no longer afford to keep going were already being rated as suspicious and unsafe just as the website was. This was all done due to political prejudice. The website no longer exists but a new website now exists. Panther C.O.D.E has directed resources to so many other necessities that we can not afford a website. Our endorsement of the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement got us boycotted by other radical groups mainly other Black Panther Groups. After the date of May 27, 2019 when Panther C.O.D.E refused to lie, refusing to deny the evident reality that a massacre took place on May 27, 2019 in Phoenix, Arizona - we not only got boycotted but the reactionary line went out by many groups that Panther C.O.D.E does not exist. Being that May 27, 2019 forced us underground it was hard to make ourselves more visible. This can be compared to the way that many groups including other Jewish Groups claim now that the Jewish Socialist Bund does not exist. Panther C.O.D.E has been coming out from hiding recently because of Steve Struggle's friendship and comradery with abraham Weizfeld PhD. Steve Struggle's views are identical to the majority of the Old Guard of Panther C.O.D.E, this is why the Old Guard of Panther C.O.D.E recognize Steve Struggle as their only credible spokesman. The five central committee members (Black Liberation Organization) of Panther C.O.D.E can not represent the Old Guard, even though the Black Liberation Organization is Old Guard themselves. The reason for this is that the Black Liberation Organization agrees completely with the New Generations of Panther C.O.D.E, this would make it inappropriate for such a central committee to claim to represent the views of the Old Guard. As we have stated before - Steve Struggle does not answer to anyone in Panther C.O.D.E - nor does anyone in Panther C.O.D.E answer to Steve Struggle. It just so happens that Steve Struggle is the only Revolutionary Activist Black Panther who embraces the Jewish Socialist Bund while also sharing the evolved and updated views of the Old Guard. This Channel we titled PANTHER POWER does fully speak for the Old Guard. Steve Struggle never made clear if he himself considers himself to be Panther C.O.D.E at all. But that was never considered necessary because Panther C.O.D.E is not a political Party and the Old Guard will have to retire eventually anyway. PANTHER POWER speaks for the Old Guard. Both the Old Guard and the New Generations of Panther C.O.D.E recognize the ideas of New Afrika, Revolutionary Intercommunalism, National-Cultural Autonomy and National-Cultural Territorial Autonomy. In fact much of the literature we hope to publish through Jason Unruhe aims for New Afrika to be a Federated-State which can transition into a Democratic Federation, this can be vindicated only through National-Cultural Territorial Autonomy. There is no other way for a centralized Black Sovereignty to transition into a decentralized Black Federalized Socialist Direct Democracy. National-Cultural Territorial Autonomy is essential to New Afrika. We want to thank Steve Struggle for embracing the BANNER OF STEVE STRUGGLE. We made that Banner just for him because of his connection to Dr. Weizfeld.

                                    THE BANNER OF STEVE STRUGGLE 

Steve Struggle has a Channel called Pantherism which proudly shows the Banner of Steve Struggle. We made the Banner of Steve Struggle synthesizing the aesthetics of the Bundist Movement flag and the Black Panther. We got this idea from the fact that Steve Struggle from the start embraced the Bundists at the same exact time that all of Panther C.O.D.E did. We wish to thank Steve Struggle for representing Pantherism correctly. Black Power and Jewish Autonomy are in fellowship not just some alliance which could go away at any time. Together it is Steve Struggle and Dr. Weizfeld who have shown the World that Black Power and Jewish Autonomy are in fellowship together. This makes it safer for Black Jews too. Black Christians and Black Muslims have not had to deal with the same level of plight which Black Jews still to this day go through. Steve Struggle is the friend of Black Jews, Black Queers, Black Trans People and Black People as a whole. Steve Struggle is a friend of Humanity in its many rainbow variety. We also would like to thank Luke Dublin the Engelsist for giving Steve Struggle the Banner of Steve Struggle and helping him build up his YouTube Channel Pantherism. we don't know what has actually happened to Luke but we are sure he will be back eventually, from what little we have been told he is dealing with a lot of personal issues. 

           Maoism corrects Leninism 

Marxism-Leninism is stuck in the incomplete and flawed analysis of Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin concerning the National Question. Marxism-Leninism-Maoism at numerous times has attempted to fix the several incorrect conclusions of Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin regarding the National Question. The lack of consensus among Marxist-Leninist-Maoists about what parts of Lenin and Stalin's analysis of the National Question are correct and what parts are incorrect tend to be one among several other reasons as to why there have been so many splits within the Marxist-Leninist-Maoists. The Federated MLM Cadres which include Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Action, Third World Liberation and Panther C.O.D.E as well as the person Luke Dublin the Engelsist is controversial because we all recognize the political degeneration of Mao Zedong, with his incorrect theory of Three Worlds Theory, his allying with the United States against the Soviet Union (which did fall to serious revisionism to be fair). Maoism as a Philosophy really began with Lin Biao and the Black Panther Party. Before the time of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement the very word Maoism was a very empty and undefined term. It is true that the first fully recognized synthesis of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism came from the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement but the essence of Maoism is both retrospective and modern. Retrospective because the synthesized theory of Maoism has its origins in Lin Biao and the Black Panther Party for Self Defense. Lin Biao is slandered by other Maoist Organizations because those organizations tend to form a cult around Mao. Denying that Mao Zedong degenerated despite all the terrible revisionism he was espousing towards his end. It was Lin Biao who organized the Little Red Book Quotations of Mao Zedong. It was the Black Panther Party for Self Defense who applied Quotations of Mao Zedong to Black People in the United States, this is the true origin of Maoism. Uri Adiah the martyred Bundist left a lasting impression on Panther C.O.D.E with his work Bundism and the National Question. From Uri's work we are finishing up Pantherism and the National Question which is an extension of Uri Adiah's Bundism and the National Question. Some Idealists calling themselves Maoists try to claim that Mao Zedong had gone senile when he held meetings with Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger but there has never been any proof for this. Actually the contrary is proven. Mao Zedong, Huey P. Newton and Eldridge Cleaver all degenerated but this does not remove what they had gotten correct. The same must be said about Abimael Guzmán, he degenerated too. But it was Abimael Guzmán who had proven the universality of Protracted People's War at a time when the Soviet Union had become very degenerate and was in serious decline. Even before the degeneration of Abimael Guzmán, he embraced Three Worlds Theory which the rest of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement rejected. Maoism is not suppose to be an apologist Cult for Mao Zedong or Abimael Guzmán. The Federated MLM Cadres are stonewalled by other MLM groups for the very reason of our refusal to engage in this reactionary cult worship. The refusal by other Maoists to reconsider the ideas of the Jewish Socialist Bund and The Commune of Anarchy is pure Left Opportunism. 


Dr. Weizfeld vandalized a sign at a Pro-Zionist Celebration Rally. But the Apartheid State of Canada and Quebec look for all kinds of ways to stop Dr. Weizfeld from rising above the oppression which the Zionists impose on both Palestinians and Jews. He did the righteous thing. The Black Panther Party for Self Defense was making a declaration of National-Cultural Autonomy thus vindicating the Jewish Labor Bund in its own aims. Dr. Weizfeld and Steve Struggle together vindicate the connection between Pantherism and Bundism. Any one claiming to be a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist yet rejecting Pantherism and Bundism is in reality an outdated Marxist-Leninist at best or a Trotskyist at worse. The fellowship of Dr. Weizfeld and Steve Struggle together have made it possible for Panther C.O.D.E to come out in the open leaving the underground. The Crown Prosecutor wishes to claim that Dr. Weizfeld is guilty of a hate crime. We can not tolerate this. We stand in solidarity with Dr. Weizfeld. How is mild vandalism of a Pro-Apartheid Sign in any way hate crime? Black Lives Matter is the Mass Line! Free Palestine is the Mass Line! Land Back is the Mass Line! Jewish Not Zionist is the Mass Line! Every episode from this Channel PANTHER POWER has been seen by every Old Guard Member of Panther C.O.D.E so when fake Black Panthers tell them that they are being revisionist by embracing Revolutionary Intercommunalism, National-Cultural Autonomy, New Afrika and National-Cultural Territorial Autonomy as compatible theories instead of contradictions they show them this Channel. No other Black Panther has dared show such love to a Bundist, and for a Bundist to show such love to a Black Panther it is profound. This is what has let Panther C.O.D.E return to the open and leave the underground. Thank You Steve Struggle for proving that we don't belong on the margins and Thank You Dr. Weizfeld for listening to all of our criticisms and being reciprocal to them. Unlike the Government Officials of Britain, Canada and Quebec you are a grown adult. We learned from you too Dr. Weizfeld. We are aware that we have caused you much stress and you stood with us anyway. We are never going to forget what happened on May 27, 2019. We stand in full solidarity with Dr. Weizfeld! We recognize fully without any reservations that the Jewish Partisans in Warsaw fighting the Nazis were majority Bundists. The Antifa United Front during World War II was reflected in the Rainbow Coalition inspired by Fred Hampton. Panther C.O.D.E was the only Black Panther Group to not engage in the Left Opportunism covering up this fact. Thanks to Steve Struggle's openness to Dr. Weizfeld we are vindicated. That is why PANTHER POWER is so important to us. We want to thank Jason Unruhe for his understanding in our preservation of true Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Jason Unruhe does not engage in Left Opportunism, nor does he back the Cults of Mao and Gonzalo which actually discredit the true achievements of both Mao and Gonzalo, we suspect that this is partly the reason Jason Unruhe has been so smeared online for so long. We also wish to thank Jason Unruhe for talking about what happened on May 27, 2019 - no other platform took that event seriously. We also want to thank Darksnovia for his communication with us. Darksnovia lives in California and when the Convergence Conventions have reached climax in California Darksnovia will be the first to know. We intend to work more with him. The United Inter-National Intercommunalist Convergence is big, even we ourselves don't know how big. It is not unlikely that other Convergence Conventions are taking place in other parts of the World. Dr. Weizfeld's call to such a Intercommunal Convergence was heard by many people around the World.

                                      HANDS OFF DR. WEIZFELD!  
                 Long live Bundism and Pantherism! Long live Steve Struggle!


  1. This statement fills out the dimensions of what we, Steve Struggle and Dr abrahim Weizfeld, are doing on the Here & Now videostreams of Youtube Abraham Weizfeld and collected on @pantherpowershow
    The leaps in political practice we make are fed by the synthesis of the actual struggles underway, avoiding the sectarian rejection of struggles not under the leadership of the favourite idol of the time.
    I am especially impressed by the degree of solidarity expressed here for the sake of taking the offensive in the face of repression. There is a choice to be made at each confrontation by the privileged advocates of White Supremacism and Zionism. Does survival mean make the required differential gestures by self-effacement from the scene? Or, does it mean regarding repression of our freedom of expression as an occasion for resistance. We can expose repression as an irrational endemic disease of the collective consciousness. While the forces and lobbies of repression act out, they expect the pubic to go along with that irrationality by way of familiarity with what has been repeated previously. When the contradiction is presented publicly to their attention that the authorities holding power misrepresent their actions as being in the interest of the masses and yet attack one of the masses for speaking to the masses. Then the masses will want to know why. People do not like to be lied to.
    The ideologues of Zionism or any other ideology will be contect to repeat any convenient lie to bolster their ideologies' credibility, since myth-making is the way to build a State. The centralization of power in the State requires a myth to gain public support and so legitimacy. The myth may be democracy, or national solidarity. However only the national bourgeoisie have need of a State to secure their property, while the masses shold only look to each other for the sake of an independent Civil Society in Direct Democracy.
    On September 12 I will be presenting the challenge to the power authorities at the Jewish Community Centre of Montréal when I go there to attend the Holocaust Museum Annual General Assembly as a second-generation Holocaust survivor refugee. My application to the court for the lifting of that ban is made and yet there is no reply. If the Zionists there want to have be detained for breach of condition then they will have to answer to the Jewish community and the Jewish People as a whole. Does the traditional right of discussion ingrained in Judaism and the Jewish political-culture endure or does the Zionist State govern the Montréal Jewish community as a dictatorship.
    One way or the other, there is clarity to be had. Either the Zionist Lobby exposes itself as being dictatorial or Jewish dissidence breaks through into the Jewish community to speak up freely.

    1. Thank You for this comment. We will be gathering all of the notes from the Black Liberation organization, explaining more about both the Old Guard of Panther C.O.D.E and the New Generations of Panther C.O.D.E, we hope that you and Steve Struggle can share them with the public. So much has happened and so much is happening HERE & NOW, it is not in the past but today. We really are not happy with you being charged with Hate Crime by HATERS. Your episode of 'Here & Now' was seen today and will be re-uploaded on PANTHER POWER on Monday. ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE!


Black History Month

We have more posting for you. All of them with new and updated information. This is a News Post looking back at our history. Educate yoursel...