Saturday, May 23, 2020

The reactionary position of Tom Watts PART2

Even if the New Afrikan Black Panther Party is upset that we have managed to expose Tom Watts as a Nazi, this does not mean we oppose our fellow Panthers, we fully support them. Yet it is always correct to expose Nazis. We have no idea who compromised Tom Watts but we do know that if the Central Committee does not denounce Tom Watts this in time will undermine their revolutionary efforts. We consider the New Afrikan Black Panther Party to be our Comrades. We especially stand with the New Afrikan Black Panther Party against the reactionary group known as Black Hammer. 

Let us take a look at what Jeffrey Michael Wood has had to deal with.
How dare Tom Watts call himself "Warrior Chief" he must really hate the American Indian Movement. If you take Marxism-Leninism-Maoism seriously then clearly you have to take in the struggles of A.I.M into your analysis. Tom Watts runs counter to everything the Black Panther Party was about. The Black Panther Party had several Muslims in their membership. Not all Religion is equal, there is revolutionary Religion and reactionary Religion. Confucianism is reactionary but Taoism can be revolutionary. There are intense parallels between the original Black Panther Party and the Jewish Partisans (majority of them were Bundists) the Black Panthers practiced National-Cultural Autonomy even though it is unlikely that they grasped that this is what they were doing. There are dead Bundists, had the Bundist Movement been allowed to join the United Panther Movement those murdered members would most likely still be alive. It has been a struggle just to report on what happen in Arizona on the year of 2019, but in spite of the ridicule for acknowledging what happen out there in Arizona we will not just go away and act as if it did not happen. When reopening the National Question in favor of National-Cultural autonomy the knee-jerk reaction is to scream "REVISIONISM" because STALIN. Marxism-Leninism-Maoism can accept the notions of National-Cultural Autonomy, New Afrika and Revolutionary Intercommunalism but to do so first these ideas must be deconstructed then reconstructed. The genuine correspondences between National-Cultural Autonomy, New Afrika and Revolutionary Intercommunalism are there, but you have to understand how to remove these concepts from both revisionism and dogmatism first. Trotskyism and Hoxhaism must be denounced and marginalized away from Marxism-Leninsm-Maoism. But things are never simple, we need borrow all correct ideas theorized by Leon Trotsky and reject every revisionist idea he ever came up with. Leon Trotsky was a known liar, a liar who was most likely compromised by Imperialist Countries. Leon Trotsky was extremely disconnected from the Russian population. The genuine theoretical contribution from Leon Trotsky was his work on Permanent Revolution, Trotsky's own application of his genius theory was what can only be called Reaction-Dogmatism but you can also call it Eurocentrism. Although the Theory of Permanent Revolution is correct it was impossible to implement during his lifetime. Several young Revolutionaries believe that Leon Trotsky was ahead of his time, we concur with this notion. The Arab Countries hold Palestine back from liberation and it is the Arab World which needs to start Permanent Revolution not First World Capitalist-Imperialist Europe, Dr. abraham Weizfeld and Dona Newman of the Bundist Movement are the ones who have shown this to be the case. Don't get things twisted, anyone who has ever dealt with Dona Newman already knows that she hates Leon Trotsky and makes Anti-Trotskyist jokes in Yiddish. The ideology of Trotskyism however must be crushed and forever discredited. The cancer in the United Panther Movement is the Trotskyists. The Trotskyists within the United Panther Movement only care about controlling the Anarchists within the United Panther Movement and expelling those that consider the Bundists to be necessary. The Libria Consolidation Party and its front group The Revolutionary Tendency holds a monopoly over all other Trotskyist fractions within the United Panther Movement. The Central Committee of the New Afrikan Black Panther Party has no knowledge of the Libria Consolidation Party and they may not even be aware of Libria's front group The Revolutionary Tendency, but Tom Watts knows and he endorses it. Let us be clear, the mandate for a United Front/Rainbow Coalition must not allow filthy Trot Scum to bully Anarchists. Disagreeing with Anarchists is perfectly fine, actually disagreeing with Anarchists is essential. However attempting to control the Anarchists in the name of The Fourth International is downright reactionary. What gives the Trotskyists the right to control Anarchists working out there on the Street level? The Anarchists working on the Street level are more brave than anyone in the reactionary Libria Consolidation Party. Trotskyists have never cared about how the Mass Line actually works. Panther C.O.D.E denounces Trotskyism and reserves the right to utilize all necessary parts of Leon Trotsky's theories. Hoxhaists are constantly wrecking the work of the United Panther Movement by pointing to all the reactionary things that the Trotskyists do. LET'S KEEP IT REAL NIGGAS! The Hoxhaists do not do this because they care about furthering revolution nor do they do this because they want to fight revisionist ideas. The Hoxhaists are not merely trying to rescue us from Trotskyism, they hate the Anarchists too and they are not founded on any ideological advancements made by Enver Hoxha. Hoxhaism is based on disagreements with the World Socialist Revolution that was based around the advancements of Mao Zedong. Panther C.O.D.E denounces Hoxhaism and reserves the right to utilize any contribution he made, particularly his correct and necessary denouncement of Josip Broz Tito. Jeffrey Michael Wood understood fully the need for the Bundist Movement to join the United Panther Movement, but he could not get Tom Watts to help open the necessary doors that the Jews (a Diaspora Nation) needed and still need. In our previous post The reactionary position of Tom Watts PART1 we gave a dialectical historical lesson, we also showed the very well written apologist self-defense of Tom Watts that he wrote. Tom Watts is a very talented and skilled writer. It should not be surprising to anyone that COINTELPRO compromised him as far as they have.
So because Tom Watts is not credited and payed for work he has done, this makes him poor? 
TOM WATTS, we have seen you bribe people with money telling them not to join the Leading Light Communist Organization, we have been where you have been, some of us have even known you personally. Tom Watts has money, he is lying here. He is not poor, his rural trailer-like house and his choice to live there is for his own fake lumpen-ascetics. We have all seen Tom Watts bribe people with money, he has done a lot to keep anyone with good rep from joining the Leading Light Communist Organization. We would ask Kwame Shakur to answer our invitations to him, but we stopped trying to do this when we realized that Tom Watts continually intercepted us every single time we tried to reach out with great resources. It is regrettable that we have to make these posts, but this is how you Combat Liberalism. We would like to thank Jeffrey Michael Wood for giving out the screensaves that Jason Unruhe has had the courage to put out there publicly. We would also like to know why it is that Proletarian Witches are embraced by the United Panther Movement but Jewish Bundists opposed to Israel and Zionism has to be ignored. We need to know why Tom Watts is a Nazi protecting the interests of Americanism and Zionism and yet Third Worldists must be rejected as privileged people playing at Revoution. Jason Unruhe has recently declared war on Colonialism but this matters very little to the Cult of personality around Tom Watts. The White Panthers were never Proletarians.

It's like Jason Unruhe said;
"Jewishness exists, Blackness exists, Whiteness does not"

Jason Unruhe is also correct in saying;
"Anti-White Politics has failed to correctly challenge Whiteness"

Jason Unruhe's words on incorrect views that Marx held;
". . . I agree the best example is the folly of the so-called Jewish Question by Karl Marx. Karl Marx considered Jews to be Capitalists because they were money lenders and merchants. But this is extremely undialectical of Karl Marx. He was pandering to Post-Christendom and we fail to see that the new secular society of Europe was born out of a type of Post-Christian World which was known for hiring Jews for their talents and skills yet whenever a crisis happened the Elites would blame the court Jews for what they had been hired to do. Karl Marx knew full well that those Jews that did the money lending only did so because they were ban from taking up any other occupation . . ."
And when Jason Unruhe says;
"If we don't start a Pan-Europeanism for real then White Nationalists and White Separatists will instead and this can only lead to a further self-colonization that serves capitalist overlords. We are self-colonizing/self-haters. White Pride can not work. White Guilt can not work"

Jason Unruhe was criticized for merely explaining his own contributions to Analysis and Dialectics. He was called Liberal and even IDPoler. He explained that the Black Nation is a New Nation descendant from the Afrikan Slaves through the colonial period. He explained how "Whites" are merely Europeans, he explained that the Jews are a Diaspora Nation not based on race or ethnicity but a Cultural Religious Tradition of Torah ethics. White Panthers use the word White. Why is there no European Power Movement that opposes Whiteness demanding coexistence with Asia and Afrika? The White Panthers were Middle Class Settlers just like Tom Watts. Why is it that young brave Men like Jeffrey Michael Wood are not encouraged to start a newer Red Neck Movement? Red Neck has a Communist history. Truthfully the Young Patriot Organization was a Red Neck Proletarian group but some opportunists attempt to make it look like the White Panthers were in some way a Proletarian group even though they were not. The White Panthers were the allies of the Black Panthers but they were not Proletarians. We the Blacks must become the New Afrikans. We must start to recapture our genuine roots in the struggle, it is being White washed by such Nazis like Tom Watts. Black Hammer is blaming Jews for a great many things, the Bundist Movement has been shedding their blood - fighting in struggle. The Bundist Movement much like ourselves in Panther C.O.D.E is virtually unknown. To be Black is to shed one's own blood with those who have the courage to shed their own blood. Let us take a look at the conversation that Jeffrey Michael Wood had with Tom Watts. This is from the old profile of Tom Watts. 
Jeffrey Michael Wood was smart enough to understand the parallels between the Black Panther Party and the Jewish Partisans of World War II the majority of whom were Bundists.
According to Tom Watts autonomy is death, even though the Black Panther Party made a declaration of autonomy called The Ten-Point Program. Joseph Stalin was essential in revolutionary history, yet we must criticize his mistakes. Joseph Stalin rejected the Bundists and National-Cultural Autonomy just as Vladimir Lenin had. If the Bundists correct their Social Democratic errors, which the Bundist Movement actually has done — then why not reconsider National-Cultural Autonomy and the possibility that Karl Marx was a historical revisionist (at least on the matter of Nationality) the Nation-State is the ideological fabrication of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel and this is the root of Nationalism. Vladimir Lenin was correct in his understanding of Imperialism and the right of Nations to have Self-determination. But because the Nation becomes the State in Hegelianism this will always mean that whenever there is a Diaspora Nation within a State, that the Diaspora Nation exists under the oppression of the Host Nation. The Diaspora Nation will always to some degree or another suffer from Assimilation which is the exact same thing as Cultural Genocide. This solves the problem with the Diaspora Nation known as the Kurdish. Instead of the Imperialist Occupying power that is Rojava or the Syrian Host Domination over the Kurdish a Federated State can exist where the Syrians keep their country, Semi-regional Autonomy can be given to the Kurdish as well as full National-Cultural Autonomy as a Diaspora Nation. Nations had a proper definition that was universally understood before Hegel invented Nationalism which is a Colonial construct. The Nation-States in the Middle East were forced on the various Peoples living there through Colonialist and Imperialist domination. Marxist-Leninist-Maoists are required to take in new information because Marxism is the Revolutionary Science not a Religion yet our outdated Marxist-Leninist Comrades still hold fast to the problems coming from the incorrect ideas of Hegelianism. The only reason why we in Panther C.O.D.E study Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel is to better understand the words written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. For us Malcolm X is the root of our Dialectics and we are grateful that Jason Unruhe adopts the language of Malcolm X unlike Tom Watts. 
So what are you saying Tommy? Are you claiming Internet is Revolution now? 
Otto Baur was a reactionary in most cases but he raised a lot of valuable points on the National Question that Joseph Stalin did not really deal with. According to the Bundist Movement, Joseph Stalin was accurate when he pointed out that Otto Baur did not define the National Character. But the Bundists and the obscure Theorists that they quote define the National Character as a Collective Societal set of Cultural values and outlooks. The Bundist Movement states that some Nations are rooted in Societal Cultural ethnicity such as the Black Nation (and they are correct, we are) and other Nations are rooted in Societal Cultural religiosity. There is a growing trend among Marxist-Leninist-Maoists to adopt this definition of the National Character as well as National-Cultural Autonomy. The genocidal Nation-State needs to be replaced by the more Proletarian based Federated-State. Joseph Stalin seeing that the Jews needed Self-determination supported Zionism at the expense of Palestine. From the very beginning the Bundists had been against Zionism. This is what Tom Watts hopes no one will realize, he can only scream revisionist at those who make a breakthrough like this in dialectics. Pan-Americanism is anti-Native American. There is no separation of the Old World which is Afrika, Asia and Europe from the New World which is The Americas, Australia and New Zealand. Pan-Afrikanism in Afrika & Black Power in the New World and Europe. Pan-Europeanism is European cooperation with Afrika and Asia in a way that European dignity is respected without the Settler Colonial mindset of Whiteness. Pan-Asianism means United-Asian resistance against Westernization whether in Asia or outside of Asia. Pan-Americanism is Americanism and it denies the dignity of the Natives that Tom Watts claims to love so much even though he hates them and has offended many of them.
Nazis love Zionism, Adolf Hitler himself financed the first Zionist Settler population to Palestine. 
This way of thinking that Tom Watts is expressing is Colonialist Assimilation dressed up as Marxism. We need to uproot Hegelianism from the dialectic, his claims about the current existence of Nationality is very removed from reality. Tom Watts is the one expressing a mindset of Anachronism not Jeffrey Michael Wood. The dogma-revisionism of Tom Watts which stonewalled the Bundists from joining the United Panther Movement led to their murder. The right of the Jewish Nation to defend their Nationality as it really was and still is before the historical revisionist position of Hegelianism was not motivated by ML Orthodoxy as some had thought but this was all because Tom Watts is a Nazi. Hopefully the Bundist Movement will come to understand just how far Jeffrey Michael Wood was willing to go to get them involved to where they should have been. 
How is it that Tom Watts can be so Anti-Maoist? 
Here we can see just how removed Tom Watts is when dealing with young like men Jeffrey Michael Wood who was trying to uplift and protect minorities that remain isolated from the dominant culture.
Tom Watts is acting like cultural isolation is not as prevalent as it used to be which is a typical Liberal or maybe even Conservative way of thinking, but then again Tom Watts is a Nazi.
Tom Watts and the Electronic Revolution.
Nah, just kidding, actually Internet Censorship is taking over.
To be very honest, we used to think that Jeffrey Michael Wood was very stupid, but he is actually rather enlightened, the voice of his Generation. Jeffrey Michael Wood is connected to the very issues of Social Alienation. Jeffrey Michael Wood is Vanguard worthy and should be allowed to replace Tom Watts. When someone as young as Jeffrey Michael Wood can see how the Internet is proving to be the downfall of his Generation this makes him a great leader of his age-group.
The Internet is a tool, but tools are only as good as those that understand how to utilize them.
Jeffrey Michael Wood is spot on in expressing how Religion is not always the opiate of the masses.
The forum of /r/Socialism is super-reactionary, for those of us that spend most of our time doing real work in the real World we actually do everything we can to plot for its downfall.
Tom Watts is not truthful, many in Bangladesh already do this and there is no News coverage given just violent repression. This is cold and disturbing, how can he just lie like this?
Who said that the Police would be offended, does Tom Watts not realize what actually happens in Bangladesh? Does he not recognize that there are political divisions in Bangladesh between Caste and anti-Caste? Tom Watts is of no use to the youth and should be kept away from them.
We will not go away. The next post on Tom Watts will deal with the slandering (smear campaign) he carried out.

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