Saturday, May 23, 2020

The reactionary position of Tom Watts PART2

Even if the New Afrikan Black Panther Party is upset that we have managed to expose Tom Watts as a Nazi, this does not mean we oppose our fellow Panthers, we fully support them. Yet it is always correct to expose Nazis. We have no idea who compromised Tom Watts but we do know that if the Central Committee does not denounce Tom Watts this in time will undermine their revolutionary efforts. We consider the New Afrikan Black Panther Party to be our Comrades. We especially stand with the New Afrikan Black Panther Party against the reactionary group known as Black Hammer. 

Let us take a look at what Jeffrey Michael Wood has had to deal with.
How dare Tom Watts call himself "Warrior Chief" he must really hate the American Indian Movement. If you take Marxism-Leninism-Maoism seriously then clearly you have to take in the struggles of A.I.M into your analysis. Tom Watts runs counter to everything the Black Panther Party was about. The Black Panther Party had several Muslims in their membership. Not all Religion is equal, there is revolutionary Religion and reactionary Religion. Confucianism is reactionary but Taoism can be revolutionary. There are intense parallels between the original Black Panther Party and the Jewish Partisans (majority of them were Bundists) the Black Panthers practiced National-Cultural Autonomy even though it is unlikely that they grasped that this is what they were doing. There are dead Bundists, had the Bundist Movement been allowed to join the United Panther Movement those murdered members would most likely still be alive. It has been a struggle just to report on what happen in Arizona on the year of 2019, but in spite of the ridicule for acknowledging what happen out there in Arizona we will not just go away and act as if it did not happen. When reopening the National Question in favor of National-Cultural autonomy the knee-jerk reaction is to scream "REVISIONISM" because STALIN. Marxism-Leninism-Maoism can accept the notions of National-Cultural Autonomy, New Afrika and Revolutionary Intercommunalism but to do so first these ideas must be deconstructed then reconstructed. The genuine correspondences between National-Cultural Autonomy, New Afrika and Revolutionary Intercommunalism are there, but you have to understand how to remove these concepts from both revisionism and dogmatism first. Trotskyism and Hoxhaism must be denounced and marginalized away from Marxism-Leninsm-Maoism. But things are never simple, we need borrow all correct ideas theorized by Leon Trotsky and reject every revisionist idea he ever came up with. Leon Trotsky was a known liar, a liar who was most likely compromised by Imperialist Countries. Leon Trotsky was extremely disconnected from the Russian population. The genuine theoretical contribution from Leon Trotsky was his work on Permanent Revolution, Trotsky's own application of his genius theory was what can only be called Reaction-Dogmatism but you can also call it Eurocentrism. Although the Theory of Permanent Revolution is correct it was impossible to implement during his lifetime. Several young Revolutionaries believe that Leon Trotsky was ahead of his time, we concur with this notion. The Arab Countries hold Palestine back from liberation and it is the Arab World which needs to start Permanent Revolution not First World Capitalist-Imperialist Europe, Dr. abraham Weizfeld and Dona Newman of the Bundist Movement are the ones who have shown this to be the case. Don't get things twisted, anyone who has ever dealt with Dona Newman already knows that she hates Leon Trotsky and makes Anti-Trotskyist jokes in Yiddish. The ideology of Trotskyism however must be crushed and forever discredited. The cancer in the United Panther Movement is the Trotskyists. The Trotskyists within the United Panther Movement only care about controlling the Anarchists within the United Panther Movement and expelling those that consider the Bundists to be necessary. The Libria Consolidation Party and its front group The Revolutionary Tendency holds a monopoly over all other Trotskyist fractions within the United Panther Movement. The Central Committee of the New Afrikan Black Panther Party has no knowledge of the Libria Consolidation Party and they may not even be aware of Libria's front group The Revolutionary Tendency, but Tom Watts knows and he endorses it. Let us be clear, the mandate for a United Front/Rainbow Coalition must not allow filthy Trot Scum to bully Anarchists. Disagreeing with Anarchists is perfectly fine, actually disagreeing with Anarchists is essential. However attempting to control the Anarchists in the name of The Fourth International is downright reactionary. What gives the Trotskyists the right to control Anarchists working out there on the Street level? The Anarchists working on the Street level are more brave than anyone in the reactionary Libria Consolidation Party. Trotskyists have never cared about how the Mass Line actually works. Panther C.O.D.E denounces Trotskyism and reserves the right to utilize all necessary parts of Leon Trotsky's theories. Hoxhaists are constantly wrecking the work of the United Panther Movement by pointing to all the reactionary things that the Trotskyists do. LET'S KEEP IT REAL NIGGAS! The Hoxhaists do not do this because they care about furthering revolution nor do they do this because they want to fight revisionist ideas. The Hoxhaists are not merely trying to rescue us from Trotskyism, they hate the Anarchists too and they are not founded on any ideological advancements made by Enver Hoxha. Hoxhaism is based on disagreements with the World Socialist Revolution that was based around the advancements of Mao Zedong. Panther C.O.D.E denounces Hoxhaism and reserves the right to utilize any contribution he made, particularly his correct and necessary denouncement of Josip Broz Tito. Jeffrey Michael Wood understood fully the need for the Bundist Movement to join the United Panther Movement, but he could not get Tom Watts to help open the necessary doors that the Jews (a Diaspora Nation) needed and still need. In our previous post The reactionary position of Tom Watts PART1 we gave a dialectical historical lesson, we also showed the very well written apologist self-defense of Tom Watts that he wrote. Tom Watts is a very talented and skilled writer. It should not be surprising to anyone that COINTELPRO compromised him as far as they have.
So because Tom Watts is not credited and payed for work he has done, this makes him poor? 
TOM WATTS, we have seen you bribe people with money telling them not to join the Leading Light Communist Organization, we have been where you have been, some of us have even known you personally. Tom Watts has money, he is lying here. He is not poor, his rural trailer-like house and his choice to live there is for his own fake lumpen-ascetics. We have all seen Tom Watts bribe people with money, he has done a lot to keep anyone with good rep from joining the Leading Light Communist Organization. We would ask Kwame Shakur to answer our invitations to him, but we stopped trying to do this when we realized that Tom Watts continually intercepted us every single time we tried to reach out with great resources. It is regrettable that we have to make these posts, but this is how you Combat Liberalism. We would like to thank Jeffrey Michael Wood for giving out the screensaves that Jason Unruhe has had the courage to put out there publicly. We would also like to know why it is that Proletarian Witches are embraced by the United Panther Movement but Jewish Bundists opposed to Israel and Zionism has to be ignored. We need to know why Tom Watts is a Nazi protecting the interests of Americanism and Zionism and yet Third Worldists must be rejected as privileged people playing at Revoution. Jason Unruhe has recently declared war on Colonialism but this matters very little to the Cult of personality around Tom Watts. The White Panthers were never Proletarians.

It's like Jason Unruhe said;
"Jewishness exists, Blackness exists, Whiteness does not"

Jason Unruhe is also correct in saying;
"Anti-White Politics has failed to correctly challenge Whiteness"

Jason Unruhe's words on incorrect views that Marx held;
". . . I agree the best example is the folly of the so-called Jewish Question by Karl Marx. Karl Marx considered Jews to be Capitalists because they were money lenders and merchants. But this is extremely undialectical of Karl Marx. He was pandering to Post-Christendom and we fail to see that the new secular society of Europe was born out of a type of Post-Christian World which was known for hiring Jews for their talents and skills yet whenever a crisis happened the Elites would blame the court Jews for what they had been hired to do. Karl Marx knew full well that those Jews that did the money lending only did so because they were ban from taking up any other occupation . . ."
And when Jason Unruhe says;
"If we don't start a Pan-Europeanism for real then White Nationalists and White Separatists will instead and this can only lead to a further self-colonization that serves capitalist overlords. We are self-colonizing/self-haters. White Pride can not work. White Guilt can not work"

Jason Unruhe was criticized for merely explaining his own contributions to Analysis and Dialectics. He was called Liberal and even IDPoler. He explained that the Black Nation is a New Nation descendant from the Afrikan Slaves through the colonial period. He explained how "Whites" are merely Europeans, he explained that the Jews are a Diaspora Nation not based on race or ethnicity but a Cultural Religious Tradition of Torah ethics. White Panthers use the word White. Why is there no European Power Movement that opposes Whiteness demanding coexistence with Asia and Afrika? The White Panthers were Middle Class Settlers just like Tom Watts. Why is it that young brave Men like Jeffrey Michael Wood are not encouraged to start a newer Red Neck Movement? Red Neck has a Communist history. Truthfully the Young Patriot Organization was a Red Neck Proletarian group but some opportunists attempt to make it look like the White Panthers were in some way a Proletarian group even though they were not. The White Panthers were the allies of the Black Panthers but they were not Proletarians. We the Blacks must become the New Afrikans. We must start to recapture our genuine roots in the struggle, it is being White washed by such Nazis like Tom Watts. Black Hammer is blaming Jews for a great many things, the Bundist Movement has been shedding their blood - fighting in struggle. The Bundist Movement much like ourselves in Panther C.O.D.E is virtually unknown. To be Black is to shed one's own blood with those who have the courage to shed their own blood. Let us take a look at the conversation that Jeffrey Michael Wood had with Tom Watts. This is from the old profile of Tom Watts. 
Jeffrey Michael Wood was smart enough to understand the parallels between the Black Panther Party and the Jewish Partisans of World War II the majority of whom were Bundists.
According to Tom Watts autonomy is death, even though the Black Panther Party made a declaration of autonomy called The Ten-Point Program. Joseph Stalin was essential in revolutionary history, yet we must criticize his mistakes. Joseph Stalin rejected the Bundists and National-Cultural Autonomy just as Vladimir Lenin had. If the Bundists correct their Social Democratic errors, which the Bundist Movement actually has done — then why not reconsider National-Cultural Autonomy and the possibility that Karl Marx was a historical revisionist (at least on the matter of Nationality) the Nation-State is the ideological fabrication of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel and this is the root of Nationalism. Vladimir Lenin was correct in his understanding of Imperialism and the right of Nations to have Self-determination. But because the Nation becomes the State in Hegelianism this will always mean that whenever there is a Diaspora Nation within a State, that the Diaspora Nation exists under the oppression of the Host Nation. The Diaspora Nation will always to some degree or another suffer from Assimilation which is the exact same thing as Cultural Genocide. This solves the problem with the Diaspora Nation known as the Kurdish. Instead of the Imperialist Occupying power that is Rojava or the Syrian Host Domination over the Kurdish a Federated State can exist where the Syrians keep their country, Semi-regional Autonomy can be given to the Kurdish as well as full National-Cultural Autonomy as a Diaspora Nation. Nations had a proper definition that was universally understood before Hegel invented Nationalism which is a Colonial construct. The Nation-States in the Middle East were forced on the various Peoples living there through Colonialist and Imperialist domination. Marxist-Leninist-Maoists are required to take in new information because Marxism is the Revolutionary Science not a Religion yet our outdated Marxist-Leninist Comrades still hold fast to the problems coming from the incorrect ideas of Hegelianism. The only reason why we in Panther C.O.D.E study Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel is to better understand the words written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. For us Malcolm X is the root of our Dialectics and we are grateful that Jason Unruhe adopts the language of Malcolm X unlike Tom Watts. 
So what are you saying Tommy? Are you claiming Internet is Revolution now? 
Otto Baur was a reactionary in most cases but he raised a lot of valuable points on the National Question that Joseph Stalin did not really deal with. According to the Bundist Movement, Joseph Stalin was accurate when he pointed out that Otto Baur did not define the National Character. But the Bundists and the obscure Theorists that they quote define the National Character as a Collective Societal set of Cultural values and outlooks. The Bundist Movement states that some Nations are rooted in Societal Cultural ethnicity such as the Black Nation (and they are correct, we are) and other Nations are rooted in Societal Cultural religiosity. There is a growing trend among Marxist-Leninist-Maoists to adopt this definition of the National Character as well as National-Cultural Autonomy. The genocidal Nation-State needs to be replaced by the more Proletarian based Federated-State. Joseph Stalin seeing that the Jews needed Self-determination supported Zionism at the expense of Palestine. From the very beginning the Bundists had been against Zionism. This is what Tom Watts hopes no one will realize, he can only scream revisionist at those who make a breakthrough like this in dialectics. Pan-Americanism is anti-Native American. There is no separation of the Old World which is Afrika, Asia and Europe from the New World which is The Americas, Australia and New Zealand. Pan-Afrikanism in Afrika & Black Power in the New World and Europe. Pan-Europeanism is European cooperation with Afrika and Asia in a way that European dignity is respected without the Settler Colonial mindset of Whiteness. Pan-Asianism means United-Asian resistance against Westernization whether in Asia or outside of Asia. Pan-Americanism is Americanism and it denies the dignity of the Natives that Tom Watts claims to love so much even though he hates them and has offended many of them.
Nazis love Zionism, Adolf Hitler himself financed the first Zionist Settler population to Palestine. 
This way of thinking that Tom Watts is expressing is Colonialist Assimilation dressed up as Marxism. We need to uproot Hegelianism from the dialectic, his claims about the current existence of Nationality is very removed from reality. Tom Watts is the one expressing a mindset of Anachronism not Jeffrey Michael Wood. The dogma-revisionism of Tom Watts which stonewalled the Bundists from joining the United Panther Movement led to their murder. The right of the Jewish Nation to defend their Nationality as it really was and still is before the historical revisionist position of Hegelianism was not motivated by ML Orthodoxy as some had thought but this was all because Tom Watts is a Nazi. Hopefully the Bundist Movement will come to understand just how far Jeffrey Michael Wood was willing to go to get them involved to where they should have been. 
How is it that Tom Watts can be so Anti-Maoist? 
Here we can see just how removed Tom Watts is when dealing with young like men Jeffrey Michael Wood who was trying to uplift and protect minorities that remain isolated from the dominant culture.
Tom Watts is acting like cultural isolation is not as prevalent as it used to be which is a typical Liberal or maybe even Conservative way of thinking, but then again Tom Watts is a Nazi.
Tom Watts and the Electronic Revolution.
Nah, just kidding, actually Internet Censorship is taking over.
To be very honest, we used to think that Jeffrey Michael Wood was very stupid, but he is actually rather enlightened, the voice of his Generation. Jeffrey Michael Wood is connected to the very issues of Social Alienation. Jeffrey Michael Wood is Vanguard worthy and should be allowed to replace Tom Watts. When someone as young as Jeffrey Michael Wood can see how the Internet is proving to be the downfall of his Generation this makes him a great leader of his age-group.
The Internet is a tool, but tools are only as good as those that understand how to utilize them.
Jeffrey Michael Wood is spot on in expressing how Religion is not always the opiate of the masses.
The forum of /r/Socialism is super-reactionary, for those of us that spend most of our time doing real work in the real World we actually do everything we can to plot for its downfall.
Tom Watts is not truthful, many in Bangladesh already do this and there is no News coverage given just violent repression. This is cold and disturbing, how can he just lie like this?
Who said that the Police would be offended, does Tom Watts not realize what actually happens in Bangladesh? Does he not recognize that there are political divisions in Bangladesh between Caste and anti-Caste? Tom Watts is of no use to the youth and should be kept away from them.
We will not go away. The next post on Tom Watts will deal with the slandering (smear campaign) he carried out.

Friday, May 22, 2020

The reactionary position of Tom Watts PART1

Even if the New Afrikan Black Panther Party is upset that we have managed to expose Tom Watts as a Nazi, this does not mean we oppose our fellow Panthers, we fully support them. Yet it is always correct to expose Nazis. We have no idea who compromised Tom Watts but we do know that if the Central Committee does not denounce Tom Watts this in time will undermine their revolutionary efforts. We consider the New Afrikan Black Panther Party to be our Comrades. We especially stand with the New Afrikan Black Panther Party against the reactionary group known as Black Hammer.

This is Tom Watts on Facebook. This is him with his new Facebook profile. We don't need lectures about Prison. We need to keep Pantherism alive. We support the New Afrikan Black Panther Party, but we truly hope that they will not resort to lying about us or others in attempt to save face. Tom Watts is the enemy of the New Afrikan Black Panther Party not Panther C.O.D.E, not Jason Unruhe, not Jewish anti-Zionist Socialists and especially not the Maoist Internationalist Movement.
Most of what Tom Watts is reporting on concerning his own history is true. It is unfortunate that he is leaving out a bunch of information about how he became a Nazi, because truthfully we would like to know how that happened ourselves. What is the New Afrikan Black Panther Party going to do when we start coming out in the open, the fact that we are willing to make such clear statements backed with evidence should say everything. Many of us have seen Tom Watts and Prairie Fire together organizing Fascists. Let us also make something else very clear, the Leading Light Communist Organization funds Communists in the Third World, this actually does happen. The United Panther Movement needs to wake up and realize that Tom Watts is their Prairie Fire. It was Prairie Fire who decided to undermined the important work that the Leading Light Communist Organization was going to do for Bangladesh, instead of letting the Leading Light Communists reach out they way they wanted to, Prairie Fire decided to give money to a con-artist in Bangladesh. Think about this, we could have the Leading Light Communist Organization in the Third World and the United Panther Movement in the First World, but due to lack of vision no one cares to try this. Jason Unruhe has always stood up for the Urban Poor, he could have been the guy that platformed the New Afrikan Black Panther Party, but instead making up lies about the Maoist Rebel News is the agenda. Just as the Leading Light Communist Organization did not need Prairie Fire to lead them, the New African Black Panther Party does not need Tom Watts to speak for them. 

Is the theory of Maoism-Third Worldism a higher stage of Marxism?
No it is not.

Third Worldism is the study of the Global Class Divide.
The study of the Global Class Divide is part of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.
The Marxist-Leninist-Maoist-Third Worldists are actually disillusioned Marxist-Leninist-Maoists.
They are not Defeatists.
They are not Class Reductionists. 
They are not Privileged Middle Class Whites Only.
Third Worldists are Maoists that have become very frustrated with First Worldism.
Third Worldists are Maoists that have become very frustrated with White Privilege.
The way the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement has completely collapsed into the Way of Reaction and Outdated Concepts has had very destructive effects on the Maoists that aim for World Revolution. Let us get another thing corrected. Mao Zedong died a Reactionary.

Criticism and Self-Criticism;
Why did Mao Zedong refused to meet with Huey P. Newton because he was not a Head of State?

Criticism and Self-Criticism;
Why did Mao Zedong justify allaying with the primary contradiction of the United States of America? After all, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was a secondary contradiction.

Mao Zedong was correct to reject Nikita Khrushchev yet he was incorrect to accept Richard Nixon. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was a secondary contradiction, the Three Worlds Theory was anti-dialectical and reactionary. Everyone that defends the reactionary line of Three Worlds Theory is shilling for Americanism. Everyone shilling for Americanism exposes themselves as anti-Maoist. Marxist-Leninist-Maoists are typically attacked as Lin Biaoists because during the end of the life of Lin Biao he began to oppose the new Three Worlds Theory of Mao Zedong. In 1972 when Richard Nixon came to visit China this marks a revisionist and reactionary change in Mao Zedong Thought. Before the year of 1972 Mao Zedong began to centralize power and Lin Biao sought to oppose this, Lin Biao was very loyal to Mao Zedong but he was even more loyal to the teachings of Mao Zedong. Lin Biao died on September 13, 1971 then on February 21, 1972 Mao Zedong meets Richard Nixon, this is not likely a coincidence. There is no such thing as Lin Biaoism, what is slandered as Lin Biaoism is Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. Today the Third World is getting liquidated more and more, the most guilty liquidator is the United States of America. Americanism is the archenemy of Revolution and the Revolutionary Force may to some extent change yet the principle foundation of the Revolutionary Force is correctly identified in the work of  Lin Biao. The Base of Revolution is the Third World. The root of Maoism was Lin Biao and the Black Panther Party.
When Mao Zedong fell to reaction this destroyed what was a World Revolution, that revolution was rescued by the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement in the 1980s, finding vindication in the People's War waged by the Communist Party of Peru – Shining Path. The Revolutionary Internationalist Movement declared Marxism-Leninism-Maoism in the 1980s more than once, they declared this again in 1993.

The Shining Path was founded in 1969 by Manuel Rubén Abimael Guzmán Reynoso, a former university philosophy professor (his followers referred to him by his nom de guerre Presidente Gonzalo), and a group of 11 others. His teachings created the foundation of its militant Maoist doctrine. It was an offshoot of the Communist Party of Peru — Bandera Roja (red flag), which in turn split from the original Peruvian Communist Party, a derivation of the Peruvian Socialist Party founded by José Carlos Mariátegui La Chira in 1928.

José Carlos Mariátegui La Chira (14 June 1894 – 16 April 1930) was a Peruvian intellectual, journalist and political philosopher. A prolific writer before his early death at the age of 35, he is considered one of the most influential Latin American socialists of the 20th century. He once famously said;

“Marxism-Leninism will open the shining path to revolution”

This is why the Communist Party of Peru is better known as the Shining Path.

The work of Lin Biao was a foreshadowing of the Global Class Divide. Without this great work there is no Maoism. There are many who claim that Lin Biao contradicted Maoism, so many go as far as to falsely claim that the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement rejected Lin Biao. All anyone has to do to recognize how false such claims are, only need to look at how both Three Worlds Theory and Deng Xiaoping Theory stands in contradiction to the message of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement. Anyone who knows how to apply their research to the fall of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement will find that the opportunists desperately tried to hide these factors from new members that joined. With a combination of informants infiltrating the ranks of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement and the opportunists within the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement much confusion and disinformation has spread. But as newer Marxist-Leninist-Maoist cells throughout both the First World and the Third World begin to form, the lies are becoming more exposed than ever before.

Maoism is a continuity and rupture in Marxism-Leninism. Only a fully prepared Revolutionary Vanguard Party can lead the Revolution which can only be a Protracted people's war.

Protracted people's war is carried out by the Peasantry and Shanty Town Dwellers in the Third World.
The base of revolution is the Third World but if the First World is not sabotaged from within the First World will strangle the ability of the Third World to fight back against Imperialism. 

The slander done in the name of Kevin “Rashid” Johnson aimed against Jason Unruhe, the Leading Light Communist Organization and the Maoist Internationalist Movement is entirely dishonest. Marginalizing the Maoist-Third Worldists has served to discredit Tom Watts, it is Tom Watts who started this. In order to wake up the Maoist-Third Worldists you have to show them that the youth are waking up wanting to revolution, we are of course talking about the First World Lumpenproletarian Youth. The Maoist-Third Worldists mistakenly think that only a small fraction of the First World Lumpenproletariat will awaken. We can and we will! wake up the entire First World Lumpenproletariat. Maoism-Third Worldism will revert back to its true self as Marxism-Leninism-Maoism but this will happen by proving that the First World struggle matters just as much as the Third World struggle. As people in the Urban Streets get marginalized and their public records removed by the Police and Counterintelligence the only one who has begun to investigate – to then find out it is all true is Jason Unruhe. So much for the claims of White Privilege. Jason Unruhe the marginalized seeker of Justice, this is more accurate. In truth, Jason Unruhe is the Maoist Rebel.
Save the Organization.
The leadership of the New Afrikan Black Panther Party must remove their Prairie Fire.
We do not expect this post to impress anyone.
But this is a Preface to further statements that must be made.
Americanists are coming out of hiding, declaring openly that they intend to impose their will over the entire Planet. The open declarations of the Americanists will not stop with the end of a Donald Trump Presidency. Donald Trump is merely the catalyst that the Americanists needed to push their proxy scapegoats out of the way. Americanists want the World to fear them, those that benefit from the Imperialism of Americanists may not always be tolerant of Americanism but they will never truly oppose it until their own interests are threatened. It is in the interests of the Central Intelligence Agency to hide the importance of Lin Biao to Revolutionary China. Mao Zedong was beyond what any Revolutionary had been, he inspired World Revolution any sign of a return to that potential that was seen due to the amazing furthering of revolutionary science is usually derailed quickly by disinformation around the subject of Maoism. Efforts to confuse Maoism with Mao Zedong Thought is part of this disinformation. 
Long Live the Victory of People's War! Puts Politics Back in Command.

It is time to recognize the United States of America as the New Nazi Empire that must be ended if equality is to win over oppressive power. The magnitude of how fascist the United States of America actually is does not fully get proclaimed by most Socialists, this is one of the primary reasons that Socialism in the World is no longer relevant. Any desire to redeem or excuse the existence of Americanism by Socialists prevents any World Socialist Revolution from ever happening.
Operation Paperclip was a secret program of the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) largely carried out by special agents of Army CIC, in which more than 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians, such as Wernher von Braun and his V-2 rocket team, were taken from Germany to the United States, for U.S. government employment, primarily between 1945 and 1959. Many were former members, and some were former leaders, of the Nazi Party. When the Central Intelligence Agency was founded in September 18, 1947 it was done so with a Fascist mentality. It is a fact that in the decades after World War II, the Central Intelligence Agency and other United States agencies employed at least a thousand Nazis as Cold War spies and informants even all the way up to the 1990s, concealed the government’s ties to some still living in America.
In our next Post we will show some undeniable facts of reaction that Tom Watts has done.
We did not do this in spite, others are suffering right now and Tom Watts has a large share of the blame.
No matter how angry the New Afrikan Black Panther Party gets at us for what we have to do By Rebelling Against Reaction, we will continue to stand with them in their efforts to stop Black Hammer.
Lin Biao stated “History has proved and will go on proving that people’s war is the most effective weapon against U.S imperialism and its lackeys” and Abimael Guzmán vindicated this, the United States of America spent a lot of money to put down Abimael Guzmán. Just as the Maoist Street Code must stand as the foundation for Maoism in the First World Long Live the Victory of People's War! Must stand as the foundation for Maoism in the Third World.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Tom Watts is a Nazi

Just recently one of our members got out of prison. Some already know who we are talking about. He was in prison for about five months. He handed over these screensaves and then we expelled him from Panther C.O.D.E, no one needs to know the reason, but this information gathering was not done for his glory, this was done for the sake of protecting the Revolution. Let's get one thing straitened out before proceeding to this post. The man who took these screensaves that you see in this Post is not the same man who took the screensaves in this Post right here. Yes the other guy also spent prison time, yes the other guy caught Tom Watts in the act of doing questionable things, nevertheless let us be clear that these are two different men. From the moment that Tom Watts began to utilize Facebook many have mentioned to us that he was doing reactionary things that needed to be exposed. It is very disappointing that no one really had come forward to expose any of this. But it is in the interests of everyone to know that Tom Watts is a Nazi. We do not hold to any crazy notion that the New Afrikan Black Panther Party is reactionary, but we know that Tom Watts ghostwrites under the name of Kevin “Rashid” Johnson and it is time for him to be called out for his sabotaging behavior. 
The National Social Americanist Party is a clandestine political party that claims to be part of the American Shadow Government, which may or may not be true. Many of us are actually convinced this is the case, but not all of us agree on this matter. Today COINTELPRO is no longer merely a FBI Psyop. COINTELPRO is bigger than it has ever been, much of the work done in Counterintelligence is done on the Internet. What we do know is that the National Social Americanist Party controls the National Socialist Revolutionary Guard headed by Jared 88. The National Socialist Revolutionary Guard is a proxy group working within the Neo-Nazi Terrorist Organization known as the National Socialist Movement. Our own research gives us the distinct impression that while the Libria Consolidation Party is not a Nazi group, they are to some degree willing to work with Fascists. We suspect that Tom Watts was able to manipulate Steven Argue to do things that benefited Fascism. This is the first screenshot.  
This group has been found before yet it has been difficult to find from time to time. Because this group has been difficult to find from time to time, we suspect that Mark Zuckerberg ensures that certain Fascist Groups on Facebook are protected. The overlooking of this may have in a way contributed to several murders throughout the United States of America. Facebook needs to become public dominion, private platforming needs to be abolished. Mark Zuckerberg himself is pro-Fascist. Today the Facebook Team has already removed several Pro-Palestinian Pages. Tomorrow is Al Quds Day, this means that removing of such Facebook Pages is politically motivated. Facebook's tolerance for Fascism must be smashed because this effects the real World. Part of the problem is that a majority of First World people wish to ignore that even today Nazis and Zionists collaborate with each other because it is part of their mutual interest for them to do so.
This is the second screenshot.
The group description reads as follows;

It is very important to know that the National Social Americanist Party is the Shadow Party of Americanism that will in time become the only political Party in America, we are however a break off of ODESSA which is very German. The fact is that we are the Party of National Socialism and Americanism combined, this is our recruiting center on Facebook. We hold alliances with the Jewish Defense League and we have our own people within the National Socialist Movement.
We will not let the Corporate National Americanist Party control the narrative of Americanism and we will not let the Kahanist National Zionist Party control the narrative of Zionism. Even though the membership of the Corporate National Americanist Party outnumbers the membership of the National Social Americanist Party this does not mean that alliance is justified. Just as the Jewish Defense League will not ally with the Kahanist National Zionist Party we will not ally with the Corporate National Americanist Party.
This group has six major rules.

1. All new recruits must answer to Tom Watts and Grace Hellen.
2. Do not attempt to ask Tom or Grace about the higher-ups in the National Social Americanist Party. 
3. Be Anti-Jewish and Pro-Zionist, if you don't understand this someone will explain it.
4. You need to be loyal to National Socialism and Americanism.
5. You need to be smart enough to infiltrate Communist and Anarchist groups to cause split-ups in their movements, especially concerning the rise of Pantherism.
6. Keep knowledge of this group very low-key.

This is the third screenshot which shows the group description mentioned.
The amount of Facebook Group membership is shocking. This is how we know that Facebook is more than just tolerant of Fascism on Facebook, Facebook clearly is very accepting towards Fascism.
This is the fourth screenshot.
We stand with our Comrades in the Bundist Movement and we stand with Jason Unruhe for his courage to say the truth no matter how unpopular the truth is. We stand with the Palestinians in their struggle against Zionism. We stand with the Native American population in their struggle against Americanism. We stand with the Revolution against Nazi forces. The National Social Americanist Party may or may not be a break off of the rumored ODESSA, but given that these Nazis continue to get away with their activities out in the open, we refuse to rule this out until we know for sure that their claims concerning themselves is bunk. Never forget Operation Paperclip. Never forget that one of the primary inspirations for the Concentration Camps and Death Camps was the ways in which the Native American Genocide was carried out. It is time to confront the truth about America. America must undergo reeducation just as Germany did. We will have more to write about concerning this, but for now this is the shocking revelation that we present for those seeking the unfiltered truth. 

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Special Response to Dr. Weizfeld

 We gave Dr. Weizfeld a Message in hopes that Jason Unruhe would post his response on his Website, Dr. Weizfeld indeed responded and Jason Unruhe indeed posted it on his Website. Here is a photo of our message to the note given to Dr. Weizfeld and Jason Unruhe. What we did was send an adapted version of our Vanguard Statement to Dr. Weizfeld and Jason Unruhe You can read the full response here.

According to Dr. abraham Weizfeld our name Pather C.O.D.E is missing a dot after the E

To understand the context we have put Dr. Weizfeld's responses in bold letters. In order to recognize our response to his responses we will put our responses to his responses in Italics.

We wish to thank Dr. Weizfeld for his reply and we wish to thank Jason Unruhe for putting this on his website. With that made clear, we will not be putting a dot after the E in C.O.D.E that is not how we write. What is correct to most is not always correct to us in the context of writing. We will only respond to his responses when we wish to add commentary or make corrections when we find one of his corrections in error or if we find it necessary to clarify something. We don't always disagree with Dr. Weizfeld, don't be mistaken because we reconize him to be a credible Revolutionary.

Community. Grassroots Socialism in the spirit of the original Black Panther Party, free breakfast programs, free health care clinics, we will take control of our communities and we don’t require the approval of the illegitimate United States of Amerika. Socialism is without profit motive, everyone is a partner, no bosses and no employees. Vanguard leadership will formulate the rules. The rank and file members shall work among the People and by learning the grievances and wishes of the People – the rank and file members shall take the grievances and wishes of the People to the Vanguard. The Vanguard must “Serve the People” by educating the People and listening to the rank and file members.
When a member…

If a member of the Black Community goes through all the education of Party literature and learns the entire theory and practice of Pantherism then that member of the Black Community can be
may become

a rank and file member of Panther C.O.D.E. We agree with National-Cultural Autonomy and Territorialism for the Black People throughout the lands of the Amerikas, Europe and Afrika. Organization. The Organizational structure is necessary to bring legitimacy to theory and practice. We have a

start up program that we are still organizing. Our organizing for newer and more correct Marxist-Leninist-Maoist

literature and
the organization

organizing of Black People (that is the colonized Nation of we which are descendants of Afrikan Slaves) is in its latter stages but we are unfinished. We were in the process of writing a Manifesto for Panther C.O.D.E. but we have put this on hold to write a MLM work of literature with two other Marxist-Leninist-Maoist groups that we work very closely

with one is called Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Action and the other is called Third World Liberation. The Vanguard Party is the most effective way to organize,

we are not opposed to Direct Democracy, we however put Democratic Centralism first because we need to stop reactionary currents from taking over. We are in solidarity with two small Maoist-Third Worldist organizations one is called Internationalist Resistance Guard and the other is called Global Revolutionary Shining Path

both of these groups are on the verge of collapse, this is unfortunate because the disagreements between Maoists and Third Worldists should be more understood. Our Third Worldist Rival Comrades helped us form a better dialogue between Maoists and Third Worldists. Jason Unruhe has helped explain these differences in recent time, he has openly mentioned that he will be going further into this with two new documentaries, one on MarxismLeninism-Maoism and another on Marxism-Leninism-Maoism-Third Worldism. Genuine MarxistLeninist-Maoists and genuine Marxist-Leninist-Maoist-Third Worldists stand with Jason Unruhe against dangerous hairsplitters that reject the Maoist principle of Unity, Struggle, Unity. We look forward to better communication with Dr. Weizfeld and hope he understands organization progress has been turbulent. We have worked a great deal with Dona Newman in the past, but she is at this time very sick, we catch up with Comrade Net Ben-Yahushua as much as we can, Comrade #3 is the first member of the People Social Freedom Movement that we have had any true understanding with. The People Social Freedom Movement considers Maoism to be washed up and instead prefer working with Third Worldists. Panther C.O.D.E and Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Action are the only MLM organizations that PSFM recognizes to be relevant. PSFM prefers to work with a group called Black Nation which holds a lot of similar ideas to Panther C.O.D.E yet reject “Communist Endgame Theory” it is very true that Black Nation has more in common with Patriot Socialists like the People Social Freedom Movement instead of us in Panther C.O.D.E but it should be understood that despite the differences between the Bundist Movement and Panther C.O.D.E, we find that we are more compatible with the Bundist Movement than Black Nation. It is accurate to say that Black Nation holds more in common with the Bundist Movement as far as Theory goes, but when it comes to direct action, Panther C.O.D.E and the Bundist Movement hold the most in common. Deterrence. Don’t be fooled, the First World is not revolutionary. To have a Protracted People’s War in the context of Black People we can not be Guerrilla fighters in the countryside. We must be urban street fighters. We must work within the law as much as possible. We must be connected to the Culture, ride the Culture and dominate the Culture. We do this with a true awareness of Blackness and what that means. We must hold no loyalty to the United States of Amerika. The United States of Amerika is the primary contradiction. America is the New World. Amerikanism is the New World Order. We need to be rid of the United States of Amerika and all of its partners. Legal deterrence weakens the morale of Amerikans. Further insight shall be in the Manifesto. Enforcement. We can not liberate ourselves without putting the needs of the Third World before the needs of the First World. It is inhumane and unethical to empower any legal system in the United States of Amerika, it is better to shame it and use its contradictions to push forward resistance until the First World falls, a Global People’s war must breakout or Humanity and the Environment will die. Black People are First World Proletariat and therefore it is the duty of Black People to uplift the Third World at the

expense of the First World. We stand for an Inter-National Proletariat Struggle. We uphold the Ten-Point Program!!!

1. We Want Freedom. We Want Power To Determine The Destiny Of Our Black Community. We believe that Black people will not be free until we are able to determine our destiny. be free until we are able to determine our destiny. We Want Full Employment For Our People.

2. We Want Full Employment For Our People. We believe that the federal government is responsible and obligated to give every man employment or a guaranteed income. We believe that if the White American businessmen will not give full employment, then the means of production should be taken from the businessmen and placed in the community so that the people of the community can organize and employ all of its people and

give a high standard of living.
We seek to build our internal cooperative economy to prevent capital leakage out of the communities.

3. We Want An End To The Robbery By The Capitalists Of Our Black Community. We believe that this racist government has robbed us, and now we are demanding the overdue debt of forty acres and two mules. Forty acres and two mules were promised 100 years ago as restitution for slave labor and mass murder of Black people. We will accept the payment in currency which will be distributed to our many communities. The Germans are now aiding the
Jewish survivors of the genocidal Holocaust campaign of extermination.
We acknowledge this correction of Point 3 and we henceforth adopt this. 

Jews in Israel for the genocide of the Jewish people. The Germans murdered six million Jews. The American racist has taken part in the slaughter of over fifty million Black people; therefore, we feel that this is a modest demand that we make.

4. We Want Decent Housing Fit For The Shelter Of Human Beings. We believe that if the White Landlords will not give decent housing to our Black community, then the housing and the land should be made into cooperatives so that our community, with government aid, can build and make decent housing for its people.

5. We Want Education For Our People That Exposes The True Nature Of This Decadent American Society. We Want Education That Teaches Us Our True History And Our Role In The Present-Day Society. We believe in an educational system that will give to our people a knowledge of self. If a
We don't feel that this correction is necessary, it is already known that the Black Panthers included Women into this, but our Manifesto will have more to say on the subject of equality among the sexes.

man does not have knowledge of
Another unnecessary correction. Himself was meant collectively.

himself and his position in society and the world, then he has little chance to relate to anything else.

6. We Want All Black Men To Be Exempt From Military Service. We believe that Black people should not be forced to fight in the military service to defend a racist government that does not protect us. We will not fight and kill other people of color in the world who, like Black people, are being victimized by the White racist government of America. We will protect ourselves from the force and violence of the racist police and the racist military, by whatever means necessary.
We shall build our own self-protection services autonomously recognized by the legal authority judiciary.
Very good, but while we are at it, we should actually have written into this the following; 
We shall build our own self-protection services autonomously recognized by the legal authority judiciary in defiance of the Capitalist Powerstructures led by the Vanguard guidance and service to The People by taking over the Civil Society and boycotting the electoral processes until it collapses liberating the Communities from Capitalist State Monopoly.

7. We Want An Immediate End To Police Brutality And Murder Of Black People. We believe we can end police brutality in our Black community by organizing Black self-defense groups that are dedicated to defending our Black community from racist police oppression and brutality. The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States gives a right to bear arms. We therefore believe that all Black people should arm themselves for self- defense.

8. We Want Freedom For All Black Men Held In Federal, State, County And City Prisons And Jails. We believe that all Black people should be released from the many jails and prisons because they have not received a fair and impartial trial.

9. We Want All Black People When Brought To Trial To Be Tried In Court By A Jury Of Their Peer Group Or People From Their Black Communities, As Defined By The Constitution Of The United States. We believe that the courts should follow the United States Constitution so that Black people will receive fair trials. The Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution gives a man a right to be tried by his peer group. A peer is a person from a similar economic, social, religious, geographical, environmental, historical and racial background. To do this the court will be forced to select a jury from the Black community from which the Black defendant came. We have been, and are being, tried by all 
White juries that have no understanding of the “average reasoning man” of the Black community.
 The disputes within the Black communities shall be resolved by an internal judicial tribunal to be recognized by a federated social judiciary of the public Civil Society.

10. We Want Land, Bread, Housing, Education, Clothing, Justice And Peace. When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect of the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.
Together with the inter-national United Front we call for the re-convocation of the Constitutional Assembly to represent all the National-Cultural Autonomies on a consensual basis so as to include such provisions to be written into the Constitution of a Federation of Peoples and not a Confederation of States which merely for a superstructure for the elite bourgeoisie controllers to exercise their manipulations over the true body of the people to be found in the public Civil Society.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and, accordingly, all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But, when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.

Black History Month

We have more posting for you. All of them with new and updated information. This is a News Post looking back at our history. Educate yoursel...