Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Black History Month

We have more posting for you. All of them with new and updated information. This is a News Post looking back at our history. Educate yourselves. Black Power comes with Education.  

But today's post is just some memory of Black History Month which transcends AmeriKKKa. Panther C.O.D.E confirms the wonderfully divisive fact ignored by too many fake Communists, Black People are the National Proletarian Caste of AmeriKKKa, Canada and Europe ( Not as much in England ), this means Black People are the ones to overthrow the Western World. There is no White Proletariat. Our history matters. The Black Revolution will start in the United States spreading to Canada and Europe. Don't ever forget Black history. Unlike White People, Black People have Culture. White People only steal Culture from every other People. White Culture is about dominating everyone. Black Culture is about Revolution. Here are three blasts from our Black Past. 

In January, 1969, the Free Breakfast for School Children Program was initiated at St. Augustine''s Church in Oakland by the Black Panther Party. The Panthers would cook and serve food to the poor inner city youth of the area. Initially run out of a St. Augustine''s Church in Oakland, the Program became so popular that by the end of the year, the Panthers set up kitchens in cities across the nation, feeding over 10,000 children every day before they went to schoolPhoto: Nancy Thompson ,Black Panthers'' Free Breakfast for Children'' program (Oakland, 1971)

Amiri Baraka, also known as LeRoi Jones and Imamu Amear Baraka born October 7, 1934, was a writer and poet of drama, fiction, essays and film and music criticism was the author of numerous books of poetry and taught at several universities, including the State University of New York at Buffalo and the State University of New York at Stony Brook. He received the PEN/Beyond Margins Award in 2008 for Tales of the Out and the Gone.
Baraka''s career spanned nearly 52 years, and his themes range from black liberation to white racism. Some poems that are always associated with him are "The Music: Reflection on Jazz and Blues", "The Book of Monk", and "New Music, New Poetry", works that draw on topics from the worlds of society, music, and literature.
In the Black community, some compare Baraka to James Baldwin and recognize him as one of the most respected and most widely published black writers from the mid-1960s through 90s. Baraka''s plays, poetry, and essays have been described by scholars as constituting defining texts for Black culture. Amiri Baraka died on January 9, 2014.

In 1913, a young 10-year-old girl named Sarah Rector was given a 160-acre parcel of land in Oklahoma, simply because she was part of a land allotment program. But since the best land was reserved for white people, they gave her what was considered barren, unproductive land. What no one could have predicted was that oil would later be discovered on that very land. This unexpected turn of events made Sarah one of the first Black millionaires in the country, proving that even in a world set against her, destiny had other plans. From barren land to boundless fortune, Sarah’s story is a testament to resilience and luck.

We intend to get into greater details about Community, Organization, Deterrence and Enforcement in later postings. But today we hope to pay homage to Black history. So many World events have piled up in the last few or five months. There will be so much to teach and explain to all struggling Black People in need of Black Pantherism. ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Confronting Comrade Net

The reason why the style of writing you see before your very eyes is a bit different yet basically the same with the obvious difference in the writing due to new editors with better preferences for the choosing of words - is because we are sticking to the Paradigm Doctrine. The Paradigm Doctrine is an uncommon yet redundant style of grammar with the precise aim of making legal misinterpretation of words and contexts for revolutionary ideas - impossible. The Paradigm Doctrine is a political dialectical American English Grammar divergent from typical writing/typing. This is one of the reasons why we wanted the final editor of our Blog to be The Black Internationalist. We still hope she can become our official representative. She is exactly like us. Just like her, none of us are bound to any one group or organization. Her pluralism is our pluralism. Our editors only know how to write in the style of the Paradigm Doctrine - this is because they were all trained by Dona Newman, Dovid Mavuritz and Yehuda Shlomo to do so. This was all taught for free. This is true for Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Action. This is true for Third World Liberation. This is also true for the Global Revolutionary Shining Path and the Internationalist Resistance Guard. The Federated MLM Cadres and the Third Worldist Pact all have editors writing in the style of the Paradigm Doctrine. We will confirm to Dr. Weizfeld what he may have suspected for a long time. We don't trust Dr. Weizfeld. The Old Guard wanted to. Everyone who reads this may be interested to learn our former - Central Committee - the Black Liberation Organization - was not aligned with the Old Guard despite them also being part of Panther C.O.D.E's Old Guard. The Black Liberation Organization was aligned with the New Generations of Panther C.O.D.E - not the Old Guard of Panther C.O.D.E - which they also were apart of. That was just as redundant as it was meant to come off as. This way you can not distort what has been written by us. Clowns wish they could be us. And some claim to be us. Others claim to know us. Some say we don't exist. Even more say we are a joke. But as this Blog continues to express - Black People will figure out how to join us and write in our name and keep it real the entire way. This Blog is the Template. But it may not always be. One thing we grow sick of discussing is Arizona. We are sick of talking about Arizona. We are sick of how much the United Inter-National Intercommunalist Convergence seems to center around the Bund. We will be putting out more concerning both Arizona and the Bund. But we have high hopes to make more posts negated from this topic. Obviously we advocate to all Black Jews ( not fake ass Hebrew-Israelites ) the concept of Maoism-Bundism. But we are not going to be against Black Jews who decide they wish to be Bundists ( non-Maoist ) yet still profess to be Black Panthers - such Black Jews are just as much Black Panther Bundists as any Black Jews who are wise enough to choose Maoism-Bundism. Black Panther Bundists can be of the Anarcho Bundist variety too. This is because you don't have to be a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist to be a Black Panther. But to ever be part of the growing Vanguard of Panther C.O.D.E - you do have to be a Black Marxist-Leninist-Maoist. The accusations made by Jeffery Michael Wood - is not something we can ignore. Jeffery Michael Wood is the one who helped us to expose Tom Watts. The email used to contact Jason Unruhe and Luke Dublin was also created by Jeffery Michael Wood.  - - -  WARNING!  - - - We are deleting it within a few days. We kindly ask everyone to stop attempting to contact us through this medium. After watching RedPagan Nikole talk about Jeffery Michael Wood disowning his sister three times, lying about his little brother and causing his mother heart attacks we feel more at ease to take in this information very critically. But we raise a fact about Comrade Net. He ordered Jeffery Michael Wood to make us another email address. The five members of the Black Liberation Organization told Comrade Net that no one he knew was allowed to use our primary email addresses - they also told him he was allowed to make a special email just for them if he was still insistent. The problem was the email platform he needed to use could not be made because of how many emails he made for so many other people over the years using that very email platform. So he ordered Jeffery Michael Wood to make this email for the Black Liberation Organization. Jeffery Michael Wood attached it to a Facebook Profile which was newly created at the time. The Black Liberation Organization deleted that Facebook Profile and chastised Comrade Net for making it - reminding him they talked about an email not away to spy on Facebook. Besides they all know how to do that better than most people. The Black Liberation Organization them fellas is hackers. Throughout the eighties these OG Panthers upgraded their game. This was something they had been doing before they met up together creating the Black Liberation Organization then inevitably by consequence Panther C.O.D.E which was the clandestine group of OG Black Panthers in the 2010s who educated Black Millennial and Black Generation Z within the United States how to become real Black Panthers. Panther C.O.D.E started the whole idea of each Black Panther becoming a Militia member, a Journalist and a Private Investigator. How to do this will be explained in upcoming Posts. Facepalming yourselves as you read it will be funny for you and us. Now let's get on with it. Let's talk about Nethanel Zion Ben-Yahushua, his shortcomings, things we just want answers for. Some of what is described by Jeffery Michael Wood aka Comrade Brony makes sense - sort of. If this is in any way true, then we wish to express our disapproval. Comrade Brony as we will call him from here on . . . charges Comrade Net with serious accusations. Strange that he misspells Comrade Net's first name. We would not have done so. Keep this in mind. As we criticize and question we admit to seeing oddities. Hopefully this is understood as we continue. But we should realize that many of us had been in Arizona throughout 2020 to 2023 working as temps at the place Comrade Net's wife works. Several of us have interacted with Comrade Net. We have differing opinions about Comrade Net but over all we have mostly been not too impressed by him at the same time we would rather give him the benefit of the doubt, he has helped our cause more than once. But let's be honest. Comrade Net has always spoke well of us because of what we before considered and now have embraced. National-Cultural Autonomy, acceptance towards Demarchists as allies, reconsidering Bundism, all this has become essential to not just Panther C.O.D.E but to all of the Federated MLM Cadres. Neither Dona Newman or Dr. abraham Weizfeld could make Bundism attractive enough to even try to understand it. No one denies the obvious, it is just true, Comrade Nethanel Ben-Yahushua makes lackluster Videos about Bundism. But they catch on in concept. They really do. What he has done as a Bundist in real life. On the Streets is what really we found captivating. This skinny severely ugly underweight man who fears gummy bears and believes in Magic despite understanding Science - can captivate anyone who falls into his gaze long enough. He can really pull you in. But he also can look like the most ridiculous dummy, he can be pathetic and obnoxious all at once. He gets into the activism but you can see in his eyes a longing for something else. We have no choice but to address this set of accusations from Comrade Brony.                  


Comrade Net did not clarify what Comrade Brony is clarifying. We want to know if it is truly so. We need to know if Comrade Brony was truly an apprentice of Comrade Net. Because the way Comrade Net has always made it sound is that Brony was knowingly controlled opposition in hopes of subverting the Social Democrats, Fascists, Communists and Anarchists causing them all to leave or get kicked out of the People Social Freedom Movement. It was claimed by Comrade Net that Comrade Brony was to keep the Post-Americanists under control. We have to admit this would seem to indicate that Comrade Brony was a tool and a scapegoat for comrade Net as some kind of contingency.     


Comrade Net is notorious for making sure that no one can even consider Jewish Christians and Jewish Muslims as anything legit. We took the time and effort to look into Comrade Brony's family. They are not Jewish at all. So we expect an explanation. Why was Comrade Net aligned with any of them if this is the case, why does Comrade Net insist that Brony's mom is Jewish yet Brony himself is not? His grandmother was never Jewish. Comrade Net has made a big deal about this very sort of problem. Only conversion to Orthodox Judaism being genuine in turning a Non-Jew into a Jew.

We have heard Comrade Net being called Arez before. Comrade Net always claimed it was connected to private fraternal rituals and had no relevance to politics. If any of this is true then this means Comrade Net really is as delusional as many of his own peers have tried to claim in the past.

We demand answers. If this is true then this means Comrade Net plays games with ignorant individuals.

We hope Comrade Net knows we are not just accepting what is being said about him. But here is the problem. From the very start Panther C.O.D.E never trusted Comrade Brony. We never actually researched him until now. He definitely went through many political and religious phases. We only saw him as an ally because Comrade Net insisted that Comrade Brony had cleaned up his act. Comrade Net went through a lot of trouble to convince not just the New Generations of Panther C.O.D.E but also the Old Guard of Panther C.O.D.E that Comrade Brony was done flip flopping - that he was never going to be a Strasserist again. We accepted this. But now all of a sudden Comrade Net is against Comrade Brony - and now Brony has a lot to say about Net. Given the fact Comrade Net openly said he used Comrade Brony for his own ends - we can not ignore this. Furthermore Comrade Net is still defending Dr. Weizfeld's imperialism. Exactly how does Comrade Net justify this one? Dr. Weizfeld is either detached from reality or he is working with the CIA and Mossad. Probably the former not the latter. 

This pro-Imperialism which Dr. Weizfeld pretended he was over is still with him. He lied. Dr. Weizfeld is very incompetent on all political matters. In spite of this Comrade Net defends the pro-Imperialism of Dr. Weizfeld. This screensave from Anarcho Syndical Boy exposes how out of touch with reality Comrade Weizfeld has become. Ask us again why we can never trust Dr. Weizfeld. We demand answers. Publicly. We recognize Ahmed of Palestine as the Chairman of the Vanguard Circle for the Inter-National Inter-Communalist Convergence. We recognize the use of hyphens in Inter-Nationalist and Inter-Communalist. Dr. abraham Weizfeld was correct to make that popular. There is a lot owed directly to Dr. Weizfeld. This does not mean he is incapable of reactionary behavior. The Chairman of the Revolution - abraham Weizfeld Ph.d is no longer capable of representing the Inter-National Inter-Communalist Convergence. Why does Comrade Net still accept Dr. Weizfeld as the leader of the Inter-National Inter-Communalist Convergence? Even if Comrade Net can answer us in a way we can accept - we still require distance from him. He has spoken more about Panther C.O.D.E on YouTube than anyone and we really hate this. We sometimes run into this new issue of being told "oh you guys are part of that Black Panther group Comrade Net has talked so much about" maybe not an exact quote but something like this is said to so many of us now. The Inter-National Inter-Communalist Convergence is not a front for the Bund or is it? We really need an answer. We have a lot of questions. We need a lot of answers. Comrade Net has no right to avoid dealing with this right now! Comrade Net promised the Black Liberation Organization they would meet Steve Struggle and Luke Dublin face to face in Video chat. This never happened. Now the Black Liberation Organization is no more. The more everyone in Panther C.O.D.E became suspicious of DaStoned Soviet the more hostile Comrade Net became towards us. Now after he has felt the walls closing in on him he has issues with DaStoned Soviet. This guy did not even publicly show how in no way can anyone trust BLevel. Comrade Net figured that placating to White Communists who don't understand the organic multiple varieties families can manifest as - was the correct direction for his strategy. Pantherism rejects the White-Marxist Idealism aimed against Mothers and Fathers. Despite all the angry rhetoric of Comrade Net - yelling and denouncing Classic Marxists as really being Fascists - this is exactly who Comrade Net aligned with on Social Media. DaStoned Soviet a White Classic Marxist. This idea of a Line Holder is a Trotskyist idea. Comrade Net claims that he came up with Line Holder in a moment just to keep DaStoned Soviet around. Pathetic is the word which comes to mind. While it is slander Dona Newman ended her public statements in, her criticism of Net's pathetic hero worship of Dr. Weizfeld rings true. It is obvious to all of us Dr. Weizfeld looks down on Comrade Net. It is obvious to all of us Comrade Net is a pathetic little man looking for Dr. Weizfeld's approval. While Net hates the way Dr. Weizfeld has treated him, how is his treatment of Comrade Brony any better? Comrade Net is expected to answer these questions.

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Responding to Comrade RedPagan

We can not ignore this reply from Comrade RedPagan. Yesterday some of us watched one of her latest Videos. It is called Solidarity to RPN Cadres and Addressing the Opportunist Opposition and in this Video she makes some type of declaration. We just watched it again today. Except this time a lot more of us watched it. We watched as Nikole delivered in a style of reciprocity. Responding to Comrade Pagan is necessary. Everything written below the screen save is meant to be a direct message to her.

Responding to Comrade Pagan directly. The old guard of Panther C.O.D.E held interest in meeting with Steve Struggle and Luke Dublin. It was the Internationalist Resistance Guard who did and still expresses interest in meeting both Dr. Weizfeld and Comrade Net. We already know Comrade Net is not to blame for everything. This does not mean we have no right to put him on blast. Just for the record it is the Global Revolutionary Shining Path who had the intention of meeting Jason Unruhe. We did not expect you to reply. We have to also consult both Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Action and Third World Liberation because unlike the old guard we will not exclude their objections to our conclusions. We seek to build up a global rainbow coalition of a united front, the likes of which World has never seen. We have new editors for this Blog and this will help us get our words out quicker. It is highly unlikely we will cross paths with you. However unlikely, this is not impossible. We are busy with reorganizing. We will see what happens but you need to know that we don't readjust to Maoist Rebel News or Red Pagan Network. We understand why so many leftists have become protective of Jason Unruhe and we see this is necessary. Jason Unruhe has himself admitted publicly that he failed both the Engelsist and the falcone general. We have no intention of singling out Comrade Net. We will however put him on blast because he owes us an explanation. In 2023 many of the old guard sent many young generations Cadres into Arizona just to fight off Army 88 of the Christ. This cost a lot of money. Our well being should no longer have to be threaten because no one else is righteous enough to protect Bundists. Everything is different now. We demand for Dr. Weizfeld to forever resign from his position as Chairman of the Revolution. His sacred commandism is unhealthy for the United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence. We are not denouncing him but we are disqualifying him.    

Thursday, December 5, 2024

We Have Returned

We are back with an update. The old guard of Panther C.O.D.E is finally stepping down. The most capable and trusted young Black Panthers within the new generations have taken over the entire leadership of Panther C.O.D.E. This means that the Black Liberation Organization has been dissolved. Chicago is no longer the central base of operations. From now on there is no central base of operations. Panther C.O.D.E has been around since the 2010s and the foundation of the Black Liberation Organization was well rooted. On this Blog you will come to learn how to become a member of Panther C.O.D.E, this only applies to you if you are Black. Being from Africa does not automatically make you Black. Most Africans are not Black. When we talk about Black People we are talking about the Nation of Stolen Africans united in the common history born form trafficking to slavery to national caste oppression to our ongoing struggle for liberation even today. Black Minister 13 is now dead. He died of cancer. His death is also why we have waited so long to add new content to this Blog. All five members of the now disband Black Liberation Organization went to great lengths to conceal their identities. Captain 9 Millimeter, Ur 16, Venus Weather and Hamton Chicago wanted to meet with Steve Struggle but Dr. Weizfeld never arranged this. We have a lot of condemnation towards Comrade Net, Ms. Newman and Dr. Weizfeld. We will not hold back on any of this. The Black Liberation Organization wanted to meet both Steve Struggle and Luke Dublin in a private live chat but this never happened so we are going to criticize Maoist Rebel News too. 

We affirm that the old guard of Panther C.O.D.E did a really great job providing many young Black men and women with the knowledge and philosophy necessary to continue the legacy of both Black Pantherism and Pantherism. Too many of our people think they have to be hazed by "Official Black Panther Groups" just to become a Black Panther but this is not true. That bullshit has never been true. Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale were nobodies when they started the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense. This is the Blog which will show you how to become a real Black Panther. You will not learn from fancy websites how to be real about Black Pantherism. You don't have to be a Communist but you do have to support the goal of Communism. You don't have to be a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist just to become a Black Panther but you can never claim to be part of the new growing Vanguard of Panther C.O.D.E unless you are a Black Marxist-Leninist-Maoist. There is Panther C.O.D.E, the Vanguard of Panther C.O.D.E and then there are the rest of the Federated MLM Cadres. This Blog will explain everything about these topics. We affirm that the old guard of Panther C.O.D.E held back both Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Action and Third World Liberation from being all that they can be. We will criticize the old guard and the Black Liberation Organization. We will also criticize ourselves, we will self criticize the new generations of Panther C.O.D.E because it is necessary. We too need to self criticize. ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE!

Monday, October 23, 2023


A lot of White People spread rumors about Black People and Native Peoples occupied by AmeriKKKa. But it is our position that such rumors will be dispelled as we continue forward with our plans. PANTHER POWER  has reached its conclusion. No more Videos of Dr. Weizfeld and Steve Struggle will be uploaded to it.

The Channel serves as the perfect representation of the positions and stances of the Old Guard of Panther C.O.D.E. We are in the process of finishing up our body of literature with Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Action and Third World Liberation. We should not have been slowed down by individualists within the Maoist Rebel News Network. 

We hoped that the promises made would have been fulfilled but this is not what happened. Yet we can celebrate the effectiveness of Steve Struggle and Dr. Weizfeld. We encourage the watching and re-watching of all uploads on Panther Power.

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Full Solidarity for Dr. Weizfeld

We wish to express our full solidarity to abraham Weizfeld PhD. There are three divisions of Panther C.O.D.E; the Black Liberation Army (Central Committee of Panther C.O.D.E), the Old Guard (members of Panther C.O.D.E, each have them having been members of the original Black Panther Party for Self Defense as well as several members of what was the Black Liberation Army) and the New Generations of Panther C.O.D.E (Black Youth, Young Adults and Teenagers dedicated to the new synthesized Black Panther Ideology). All three divisions of Panther C.O.D.E are in solidarity with Dr. Weizfeld.

We have collected as many of the conversations between Steve Struggle and Dr. Weizfeld as we could and had a friend place them on a Channel for us. Many of the members of Panther C.O.D.E are also members of the New Afrikan Black Panther Party and some even in the Revolutionary Intercommunal Black Panther Party. While many of the members of Panther C.O.D.E see themselves as the Vanguard of the Black International Revolution especially the New Generations; Panther C.O.D.E does not claim to be the Vanguard of the United Inter-National Intercommunalist Convergence. However it is Panther C.O.D.E who facilitated the Convergence Conventions in Arizona as well as then slowly uprooting these Conventions from Arizona to California. By now all of the Convergence Conventions are taking place in California. This is important for context. Panther C.O.D.E follows the class-based ideological line of the original Black Panther Party while rejecting the race-based, anti-white politics of the New Black Panther Party. Pantherism opposes Black bourgeois nationalism and American reactionary patriotism. However some of the members of Panther C.O.D.E are also members of the New Black Panther Party, this is one of the reasons why Panther C.O.D.E tends to be marginalized. Members of Panther C.O.D.E are encouraged be in other Black Panther Groups, even more reactionary ones with the aim of attempting to influence Black Cadres to a better line. All three of these parties - the New Afrikan Black Panther Party, and the Revolutionary Intercommunal Black Panther Party and the New Black Panther Party tend to claim monopoly over Black individuals demanding party loyalty. The political killing of May 27, 2019 and the further killings following the days and years after up to more than half of 2020 - has kept most of Panther C.O.D.E underground. Panther C.O.D.E was not underground before May 27, 2019. When Panther C.O.D.E was stonewalled by other Black Panther Groups, old websites which we could no longer afford to keep going were already being rated as suspicious and unsafe just as the website www.bundist-movement.org was. This was all done due to political prejudice. The website www.bundist-movement.org no longer exists but a new website now http://www.jewish-socialist-bund.net/ exists. Panther C.O.D.E has directed resources to so many other necessities that we can not afford a website. Our endorsement of the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement got us boycotted by other radical groups mainly other Black Panther Groups. After the date of May 27, 2019 when Panther C.O.D.E refused to lie, refusing to deny the evident reality that a massacre took place on May 27, 2019 in Phoenix, Arizona - we not only got boycotted but the reactionary line went out by many groups that Panther C.O.D.E does not exist. Being that May 27, 2019 forced us underground it was hard to make ourselves more visible. This can be compared to the way that many groups including other Jewish Groups claim now that the Jewish Socialist Bund does not exist. Panther C.O.D.E has been coming out from hiding recently because of Steve Struggle's friendship and comradery with abraham Weizfeld PhD. Steve Struggle's views are identical to the majority of the Old Guard of Panther C.O.D.E, this is why the Old Guard of Panther C.O.D.E recognize Steve Struggle as their only credible spokesman. The five central committee members (Black Liberation Organization) of Panther C.O.D.E can not represent the Old Guard, even though the Black Liberation Organization is Old Guard themselves. The reason for this is that the Black Liberation Organization agrees completely with the New Generations of Panther C.O.D.E, this would make it inappropriate for such a central committee to claim to represent the views of the Old Guard. As we have stated before - Steve Struggle does not answer to anyone in Panther C.O.D.E - nor does anyone in Panther C.O.D.E answer to Steve Struggle. It just so happens that Steve Struggle is the only Revolutionary Activist Black Panther who embraces the Jewish Socialist Bund while also sharing the evolved and updated views of the Old Guard. This Channel we titled PANTHER POWER does fully speak for the Old Guard. Steve Struggle never made clear if he himself considers himself to be Panther C.O.D.E at all. But that was never considered necessary because Panther C.O.D.E is not a political Party and the Old Guard will have to retire eventually anyway. PANTHER POWER speaks for the Old Guard. Both the Old Guard and the New Generations of Panther C.O.D.E recognize the ideas of New Afrika, Revolutionary Intercommunalism, National-Cultural Autonomy and National-Cultural Territorial Autonomy. In fact much of the literature we hope to publish through Jason Unruhe aims for New Afrika to be a Federated-State which can transition into a Democratic Federation, this can be vindicated only through National-Cultural Territorial Autonomy. There is no other way for a centralized Black Sovereignty to transition into a decentralized Black Federalized Socialist Direct Democracy. National-Cultural Territorial Autonomy is essential to New Afrika. We want to thank Steve Struggle for embracing the BANNER OF STEVE STRUGGLE. We made that Banner just for him because of his connection to Dr. Weizfeld.

                                    THE BANNER OF STEVE STRUGGLE 

Steve Struggle has a Channel called Pantherism which proudly shows the Banner of Steve Struggle. We made the Banner of Steve Struggle synthesizing the aesthetics of the Bundist Movement flag and the Black Panther. We got this idea from the fact that Steve Struggle from the start embraced the Bundists at the same exact time that all of Panther C.O.D.E did. We wish to thank Steve Struggle for representing Pantherism correctly. Black Power and Jewish Autonomy are in fellowship not just some alliance which could go away at any time. Together it is Steve Struggle and Dr. Weizfeld who have shown the World that Black Power and Jewish Autonomy are in fellowship together. This makes it safer for Black Jews too. Black Christians and Black Muslims have not had to deal with the same level of plight which Black Jews still to this day go through. Steve Struggle is the friend of Black Jews, Black Queers, Black Trans People and Black People as a whole. Steve Struggle is a friend of Humanity in its many rainbow variety. We also would like to thank Luke Dublin the Engelsist for giving Steve Struggle the Banner of Steve Struggle and helping him build up his YouTube Channel Pantherism. we don't know what has actually happened to Luke but we are sure he will be back eventually, from what little we have been told he is dealing with a lot of personal issues. 

           Maoism corrects Leninism 

Marxism-Leninism is stuck in the incomplete and flawed analysis of Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin concerning the National Question. Marxism-Leninism-Maoism at numerous times has attempted to fix the several incorrect conclusions of Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin regarding the National Question. The lack of consensus among Marxist-Leninist-Maoists about what parts of Lenin and Stalin's analysis of the National Question are correct and what parts are incorrect tend to be one among several other reasons as to why there have been so many splits within the Marxist-Leninist-Maoists. The Federated MLM Cadres which include Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Action, Third World Liberation and Panther C.O.D.E as well as the person Luke Dublin the Engelsist is controversial because we all recognize the political degeneration of Mao Zedong, with his incorrect theory of Three Worlds Theory, his allying with the United States against the Soviet Union (which did fall to serious revisionism to be fair). Maoism as a Philosophy really began with Lin Biao and the Black Panther Party. Before the time of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement the very word Maoism was a very empty and undefined term. It is true that the first fully recognized synthesis of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism came from the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement but the essence of Maoism is both retrospective and modern. Retrospective because the synthesized theory of Maoism has its origins in Lin Biao and the Black Panther Party for Self Defense. Lin Biao is slandered by other Maoist Organizations because those organizations tend to form a cult around Mao. Denying that Mao Zedong degenerated despite all the terrible revisionism he was espousing towards his end. It was Lin Biao who organized the Little Red Book Quotations of Mao Zedong. It was the Black Panther Party for Self Defense who applied Quotations of Mao Zedong to Black People in the United States, this is the true origin of Maoism. Uri Adiah the martyred Bundist left a lasting impression on Panther C.O.D.E with his work Bundism and the National Question. From Uri's work we are finishing up Pantherism and the National Question which is an extension of Uri Adiah's Bundism and the National Question. Some Idealists calling themselves Maoists try to claim that Mao Zedong had gone senile when he held meetings with Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger but there has never been any proof for this. Actually the contrary is proven. Mao Zedong, Huey P. Newton and Eldridge Cleaver all degenerated but this does not remove what they had gotten correct. The same must be said about Abimael Guzmán, he degenerated too. But it was Abimael Guzmán who had proven the universality of Protracted People's War at a time when the Soviet Union had become very degenerate and was in serious decline. Even before the degeneration of Abimael Guzmán, he embraced Three Worlds Theory which the rest of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement rejected. Maoism is not suppose to be an apologist Cult for Mao Zedong or Abimael Guzmán. The Federated MLM Cadres are stonewalled by other MLM groups for the very reason of our refusal to engage in this reactionary cult worship. The refusal by other Maoists to reconsider the ideas of the Jewish Socialist Bund and The Commune of Anarchy is pure Left Opportunism. 


Dr. Weizfeld vandalized a sign at a Pro-Zionist Celebration Rally. But the Apartheid State of Canada and Quebec look for all kinds of ways to stop Dr. Weizfeld from rising above the oppression which the Zionists impose on both Palestinians and Jews. He did the righteous thing. The Black Panther Party for Self Defense was making a declaration of National-Cultural Autonomy thus vindicating the Jewish Labor Bund in its own aims. Dr. Weizfeld and Steve Struggle together vindicate the connection between Pantherism and Bundism. Any one claiming to be a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist yet rejecting Pantherism and Bundism is in reality an outdated Marxist-Leninist at best or a Trotskyist at worse. The fellowship of Dr. Weizfeld and Steve Struggle together have made it possible for Panther C.O.D.E to come out in the open leaving the underground. The Crown Prosecutor wishes to claim that Dr. Weizfeld is guilty of a hate crime. We can not tolerate this. We stand in solidarity with Dr. Weizfeld. How is mild vandalism of a Pro-Apartheid Sign in any way hate crime? Black Lives Matter is the Mass Line! Free Palestine is the Mass Line! Land Back is the Mass Line! Jewish Not Zionist is the Mass Line! Every episode from this Channel PANTHER POWER has been seen by every Old Guard Member of Panther C.O.D.E so when fake Black Panthers tell them that they are being revisionist by embracing Revolutionary Intercommunalism, National-Cultural Autonomy, New Afrika and National-Cultural Territorial Autonomy as compatible theories instead of contradictions they show them this Channel. No other Black Panther has dared show such love to a Bundist, and for a Bundist to show such love to a Black Panther it is profound. This is what has let Panther C.O.D.E return to the open and leave the underground. Thank You Steve Struggle for proving that we don't belong on the margins and Thank You Dr. Weizfeld for listening to all of our criticisms and being reciprocal to them. Unlike the Government Officials of Britain, Canada and Quebec you are a grown adult. We learned from you too Dr. Weizfeld. We are aware that we have caused you much stress and you stood with us anyway. We are never going to forget what happened on May 27, 2019. We stand in full solidarity with Dr. Weizfeld! We recognize fully without any reservations that the Jewish Partisans in Warsaw fighting the Nazis were majority Bundists. The Antifa United Front during World War II was reflected in the Rainbow Coalition inspired by Fred Hampton. Panther C.O.D.E was the only Black Panther Group to not engage in the Left Opportunism covering up this fact. Thanks to Steve Struggle's openness to Dr. Weizfeld we are vindicated. That is why PANTHER POWER is so important to us. We want to thank Jason Unruhe for his understanding in our preservation of true Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Jason Unruhe does not engage in Left Opportunism, nor does he back the Cults of Mao and Gonzalo which actually discredit the true achievements of both Mao and Gonzalo, we suspect that this is partly the reason Jason Unruhe has been so smeared online for so long. We also wish to thank Jason Unruhe for talking about what happened on May 27, 2019 - no other platform took that event seriously. We also want to thank Darksnovia for his communication with us. Darksnovia lives in California and when the Convergence Conventions have reached climax in California Darksnovia will be the first to know. We intend to work more with him. The United Inter-National Intercommunalist Convergence is big, even we ourselves don't know how big. It is not unlikely that other Convergence Conventions are taking place in other parts of the World. Dr. Weizfeld's call to such a Intercommunal Convergence was heard by many people around the World.

                                      HANDS OFF DR. WEIZFELD!  
                 Long live Bundism and Pantherism! Long live Steve Struggle!

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Panther C.O.D.E and Steve Struggle

C.O.D.E is one word having four words contained within it. The four words contained within the word C.O.D.E are Community.Organization.Deterrence.Enforcement, which explain the very nature of Panther C.O.D.E itself. Because it has been a while since we explained ourselves we are going to explain ourselves once more. Panther C.O.D.E has many in-real-life Chapters around the United States. There is the Old Guard of Panther C.O.D.E which first synthesized the works of many Black Panthers of the original Black Panther Party and the Black Liberation Army into a collection of works we are trying to publish through Jason Unruhe. There is the New Generations of Panther C.O.D.E which have flushed out mistakes by the old guard. The work of the Old Guard of Panther C.O.D.E is represented by Steve Struggle. More accurately the podcasts where Steve Struggle is with Dr. Weizfeld represent the political stances of the Old Guard of Panther C.O.D.E but we need to clarify that Steve Struggle does not answer to us. The Central Committee of Panther C.O.D.E is Old Guard, but the Central Committee does not exactly share the same views as the rest of Old Guard. Steve Struggle on the other hand does share the same thought as the Old Guard. The Central Committee is almost ready to retire.  


The members of the Black Liberation Organization; 

Captain 9 Millimeter, Hampton Chicago, Venus Weather, Ur 16 and Black Minister 13. 


The Black Liberation Organization (Central Committee) agrees more with the New Generations of Panther C.O.D.E than the Old Guard. This makes them feel isolated. When Dr. Weizfeld asked Steve Struggle if he worked in Chicago we found this annoying. We do not answer to Steve Struggle and he does not answer to us. 

Panther C.O.D.E is controversial because we are the only Black Panther group embracing New Afrika, Revolutionary Intercommunalism and National-Cultural Autonomy. All other Black Panther groups pick and choose from New Afrika and Revolutionary Intercommunalism pretending that there is a contradiction between them when there really isn't. Panther C.O.D.E is the only Black Panther group to recognize National-Cultural Autonomy. New Afrika, Revolutionary Intercommunalism and National-Cultural Autonomy are not contradictions. National-Cultural Territorial Autonomy is an idea from Dr. Weizfeld which vindicates New Afrika. Revolutionary Intercommunalism actually complements both New Afrika and National-Cultural Autonomy. We did not expect Steve Struggle and Dr. Weizfeld to start podcasting again. We are glad that they are together again because this dynamic fixes a lot of past mistakes made by both the Black Panther Party and the Black Liberation Army. We hope to hand over the notes of Captain 9 Millimeter, Hampton Chicago, Venus Weather, Ur 16 and Black Minister 13 to Steve Struggle and Dr. Weizfeld both. Hopefully they can podcast in discussion over these topics we wish to present.

Black History Month

We have more posting for you. All of them with new and updated information. This is a News Post looking back at our history. Educate yoursel...