Saturday, December 7, 2024

Responding to Comrade RedPagan

We can not ignore this reply from Comrade RedPagan. Yesterday some of us watched one of her latest Videos. It is called Solidarity to RPN Cadres and Addressing the Opportunist Opposition and in this Video she makes some type of declaration. We just watched it again today. Except this time a lot more of us watched it. We watched as Nikole delivered in a style of reciprocity. Responding to Comrade Pagan is necessary. Everything written below the screen save is meant to be a direct message to her.

Responding to Comrade Pagan directly. The old guard of Panther C.O.D.E held interest in meeting with Steve Struggle and Luke Dublin. It was the Internationalist Resistance Guard who did and still expresses interest in meeting both Dr. Weizfeld and Comrade Net. We already know Comrade Net is not to blame for everything. This does not mean we have no right to put him on blast. Just for the record it is the Global Revolutionary Shining Path who had the intention of meeting Jason Unruhe. We did not expect you to reply. We have to also consult both Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Action and Third World Liberation because unlike the old guard we will not exclude their objections to our conclusions. We seek to build up a global rainbow coalition of a united front, the likes of which World has never seen. We have new editors for this Blog and this will help us get our words out quicker. It is highly unlikely we will cross paths with you. However unlikely, this is not impossible. We are busy with reorganizing. We will see what happens but you need to know that we don't readjust to Maoist Rebel News or Red Pagan Network. We understand why so many leftists have become protective of Jason Unruhe and we see this is necessary. Jason Unruhe has himself admitted publicly that he failed both the Engelsist and the falcone general. We have no intention of singling out Comrade Net. We will however put him on blast because he owes us an explanation. In 2023 many of the old guard sent many young generations Cadres into Arizona just to fight off Army 88 of the Christ. This cost a lot of money. Our well being should no longer have to be threaten because no one else is righteous enough to protect Bundists. Everything is different now. We demand for Dr. Weizfeld to forever resign from his position as Chairman of the Revolution. His sacred commandism is unhealthy for the United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence. We are not denouncing him but we are disqualifying him.    

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