Monday, October 23, 2023


A lot of White People spread rumors about Black People and Native Peoples occupied by AmeriKKKa. But it is our position that such rumors will be dispelled as we continue forward with our plans. PANTHER POWER  has reached its conclusion. No more Videos of Dr. Weizfeld and Steve Struggle will be uploaded to it.

The Channel serves as the perfect representation of the positions and stances of the Old Guard of Panther C.O.D.E. We are in the process of finishing up our body of literature with Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Action and Third World Liberation. We should not have been slowed down by individualists within the Maoist Rebel News Network. 

We hoped that the promises made would have been fulfilled but this is not what happened. Yet we can celebrate the effectiveness of Steve Struggle and Dr. Weizfeld. We encourage the watching and re-watching of all uploads on Panther Power.

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