Written by the Black Liberation Organization
What is Panther C.O.D.E?
Panther C.O.D.E has many in-real-life Chapters around the United States. There is the Old Guard of Panther C.O.D.E which first synthesized the works of many Black Panthers of the original Black Panther Party and the Black Liberation Army into a collection of works we are trying to publish through Jason Unruhe. There is the New Generations of Panther C.O.D.E which have flushed out mistakes by the old guard. The work of the Old Guard is to be given to Steve Struggle.
The Manifestos of Black Pantherism and Pantherism go to the Black Internationalist.
The Central Committee is trying to retire.
The Central Committee is THE BLACK LIBERATION ORGANIZATION. The members of the Black Liberation Organization; Captain 9 Millimeter, Hampton Chicago, Venus Weather, Ur 16 and Black Minister 13.
The Jewish Egyptian-Lebanon Forum is what the Bundist Movement looks like!
Panther C.O.D.E is the continuation of the original Black Panther Party or more accurately the continuation of Black Pantherism.
Pantherism is a Method of United Fronts.
Black Pantherism is the ideological thought of the Black Panther Party applied today.
Panther C.O.D.E has large;y decided not to recognize the Jewish Socialist Bund.
Panther C.O.D.E was told by Black Minister 13 that the Bundist Movement is the Vanguard of the Jewish Socialist Bund.
But what is the Jewish Socialist Bund? If it is just online action, then we don't care.
However the Egyptian-Lebanon-Jewish Front looks like The Bundist Movement. In fact as these three talked to each other, the way that they did so looks like what a Triad Bund Command dialogue looks like. The Bundist Movement is recognizable as it is happening. The Forum was unmistakably a Bundist Movement in full swing.
Dr. Weizfeld should know we expect the promises of both Luke Dublin and Comrade Net and Jason Unruhe to be fulfilled. Net promised to criticize public on TheBundistMovement channel himself, Weizfeld, Newman and the Federated MLM Cadres.
The Bundist Movement is the collaborations and collaborations of theories press reports and direct actions taken for Bundism.
The Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement was the only attempt at this in a consistent manner.
The Bundist Movement is what Panther C.O.D.E fully recognizes. Dr. Weizfeld without anyone else decided to rename the recognized and popular work into something else.
Black Minister 13 was not able to post yesterday so we got two of our young Cadres from the meetup to write for him upon his and the rest of our instructions. This was what they wrote yesterday https://maoismbundism.blogspot.com/2022/12/king-kj-comrade-3-dr-weizfeld-pink.html
Then after that Captain 9 Milliliter put this out yesterday https://blackpantherism.blogspot.com/2022/12/panther-power-and-black-inter.html for this very Blog.
Then we gave TheBundistMovement back to Comrade Net and Dr. Weizfeld. But we by mistake gave Dr. Weizfeld and Comrade Net the wrong password. We had our friends from the meetup in Arizona stay over with Net until he could get the correct Password to him. We are sorry for making any of our Jewish Comrades violate the Sabbath.WE HAVE RESTORED THE BUNDIST MOVEMENT TO EIBIEMAN AND NET! Stop worrying about Dona Newman. We are covering that for now. PSFM refuses to take care of her. We now understand what Dr. Weizfeld is proposing for Dona Newman and we have conveyed all of this to her.
Panther C.O.D.E recognizes THE Bundist Movement. Only Black Minister 13 recognizes the Jewish Socialist Bund. In order for us to recognize something with a full name such as the Jewish Socialist Bund, then it must prove to exist offline not just online.
Dr. Weizfeld did prove that he still carries out the Bundist Movement
The Jewish Socialist Bund is unknown to us. Saying something exists online does not impress. However we now can see that Dr. Weizfeld has kept the Bundist Movement alive.
We THE BLACK LIBERATION ORGANIZATION will now give our own clarification . . .
The Bundist Movement is the activism of the Jewish Socialist Bund recognized by Proletariat. The Bundist Movement is the Journalism of the Jewish Socialist Bund. The Bundist Movement is also the Forums which inspire this new Jewish Socialist Bund. In fact the conversation forum Jewish Egyptian-Lebanon Forum is The Bundist Movement showing it self not to be dead. Remember when you say Bundist Movement you are talking about Bundism in motion. We with to explained to abraham Weizfeld PhD that we have cleared up this confusion so that when Bundists like Net talk to you of a ongoing Bundist Movement you understand what he means. Net is very traumatized.
The Bundist Movement is also the determinism to protect Classical Bundism, Budism as formalized by Jewish Demarchists, Maoism-Bundism and Anarcho Bundism. This means that Dr. Weizfeld with Comrade Net hold all doors to the projects, events and Press Forums. Dona Newman is no longer going to hold these things.
We are trusting that Dr. Weizfeld will keep the Bundist Movement going.
We hope that Comrade Net will become calm and more at ease knowing that the Bundist Movement did not die with the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement. It was Comrade Net who explained what the Jewish Socialist Bund is. We did not understand that this what all Chapters and Units are called.
We now understand that the Bundist Chapters and Bundist Units are the Jewish Socialist Bund.
For the sake of Dr. Weizfeld and Comrade Net
The Bundist Movement must keep going. The Bundist Movement is the project now under the control of Comrade Net and Dr. Weizfeld. We can't seem to open up the old blog. So we made you two a new blog yesterday. Black Minister 13 https://bundistmovementantizionist.blogspot.com/2022/12/for-dr-weizeld-and-comrade-net-bundist.html this was written by Black Minister 13. You both have a new Blog now. We recognize the Bundist Movement first which is the work of Dr. Weizfeld with Comrade Net. This is necessary because anyone online could claim to belong to the Jewish Socialist Bund.
Comrade Net and Dr. Weizfeld but not Dona Newman anymore.
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