Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Yes! China really is Socially Imperialist!



The Soviet Union became socially Imperialist that is to say that the Soviet Union had itself become an imperialist power while maintaining a socialist façade. All the Client States of the USSR had Socialism in the economic terms yet the dependency of these Countries towards the USSR meant their Socialism was not built on mutual aid but Welfare Aid forcing the USSR to be the broker to Socialism which took away the revolutionary aspect of Socialism thus leading to its gradual decline from Socialism.

Social imperialism is a political term, social imperialism is the political ideology of people, parties, or nations that are, according to Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin, "socialist in words, imperialist in deeds". In academic use, it refers to governments that engage in imperialism meant to preserve the domestic social peace. The term Social imperialism is a Marxist expression, typically used in a derogatory fashion. The phrase was first used in Marxist circles during the early 20th century discussions on the position of the international workers' movement towards the impending European war and particularly in regard to the Social Democratic Party of Germany. In this context it is very similar to, but not interchangeable with, the terms social chauvinism and social patriotism. In the later decades the most significant use of the phrase has been in the Maoist critique of the Soviet Union. Mao Zedong argued that the Soviet Union had itself become an imperialist power while maintaining a socialist façade. Albanian leader and Chinese ally Enver Hoxha agreed with Mao in this analysis, before later using the expression to also condemn Mao's Three Worlds Theory amid the Sino-Albanian split. Lenin and Mao were both correct about what constitutes Social Imperialism. Social Imperialism manifests differently from era to era. The Dengists are not our friends nor are they our Comrades but the American Dengists make very useful idiot Allies. Never ask a Dengist about Social Imperialism because the notion is beyond their comprehension.

China does not have Socialist Client States with the exception of Cuba and North Korea. China has an agenda concerning both these Countries but that agenda is not merely virtue signaling to Revolutionary Socialists Worldwide. The agenda for Cuba is also complete, Cuba is rapidly loosing what is left of its Socialism which is part of the task of today's Social imperialism. Instead of the Welfare State Socialism that the USSR promoted throughout the Cold War which was Social Imperialism, the Social Imperialism of China is to bring about Social Democratic loans to the Global South so that China is seen more favorably which is why the Global South genuinely benefits from China however at the same time China is harming the Global South by putting down actual Revolutionary Maoists in the Global South so it is clear that China cares nothing for World Revolution. Afrika is not benefiting from China at all. No one in Afrika benefits from China, no one. China's Social Imperialism towards Afrika is rapidly turning full Imperialist as this happens Afrikans are turning away from Communism more and more. North Korea can only be a stronghold for Socialism for so long until it breaks down, it will be China who forces Market reforms in North Korea. Xi Jinping himself is a Neocolonial racist in favor of Han Chinese Supremacy. Social Imperialism from China is much worse than the Globalism of USA, UK, Israel, NATO and the EU because the entire World sees that Imperialism for what it is. As the USA falls it will be China which replaces the USA as head of Globalism making it even worse. We have to do all we can to stop this. China is not the primary contradiction but unless another strange twist of global events occur it is clearly China that will replace the USA as the top Imperialist power. This means that China is most likely going to become the primary contraction. China is no Paper Tiger so it is crucial that we undermine the USA which is a Paper Tiger then from there we can better deal with China's endgame for World Domination.

Black History Month

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