Saturday, October 12, 2019


What is Pantherism?

Pantherism is a Socialist category applying to both Communists and Non-Communists. Pantherism is a Anti-Colonial Impulse, it is the Socialist tendency for de-colonization. The original Black Panther Party was practicing National-Cultural Autonomy, yet the Black Panthers did not realize this. Whether Communist or Non-Communist the Socialist category-tendency of Pantherism borrows heavenly from the theories of Mao Zedong. Pantherism is also a form of Communitarianism.
Pantherism is also a form of Anti-Americanism, Pantherism acknowledges that the United States of America is a non-redeemable Country that must be resisted in Struggle. Pantherism is also a form of Anti-Zionism. Panther C.O.D.E is the direct inheritor of the Black Panther Party, we acknowledge both Black Nation and the United Panther Movement to be likewise. Byzantine Catholic Nation is clearly practicing Pantherism too, Byzantine Catholic Nation however deviates more than Black Nation or the United Panther Movement and they emerged separate from Black Struggle.The Mexica Movement is also practicing Pantherism to an extent but they are not as strong as the previously mentioned groups. The Mexica Movement also tends to shy away from using the word Socialist openly. Even Byzantine Catholic Nation is more true to Pantherism than the Mexica Movement. Our indigenous Amerindian Comrades that make up the membership of Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Action also fall into the category of Pantherism, you can view their blog here. The American Indian Movement also belongs to the category of Pantherism, yet they need to make improvements. The United Panther Movement includes the New Afrikan Black Panther Party which should never be confused with the New Black Panther Party. The New Black Panther Party is a reactionary and counter-revolutionary group that seems to service White Imperial Power.

Who is the United Panther Movement?

The United Panther Movement is a New Rainbow Coalition of Revolutionary Solidarity modeled after Fred Hampton's Rainbow Coalition of Revolutionary Solidarity. Every single one of us in Panther C.O.D.E is skeptical of the White Panthers, we especially find Tom Watts to be highly suspect. The primary issue with the White Panthers is the using of the word White, this is against correct dialectics. There is a Black Nation but there is not a White Nation. The "whites"can trace their lineage back to different European countries, we the Black People can never be fully sure where from Africa we actually come from. The development of Blacks as a Nation was organic because of struggle, in ethnic terms Blacks share African heritage but in the cultural context Blacks are separate from Africa. When we Blacks refer to ourselves as African Americans, African Canadians, ect this is incorrect. Tunisian Americans and Tunisian Canadians fall into the category of African Americans and African Canadians. We the Black People are the descendants of the Slaves, we were sold to Europeans by Africans and thus there is a separation between Black and African. Whiteness on the other hand is eurocentricity. Being truly Anti-White is not a racist stance, being Anti-White is a strong Anti-Colonialist position. Black = from the Slave Trade. White = eurocentric indoctrination.   
Tom Watts can not be trusted, he sells foolish young euro-American people on the idea that if they go to prison all they have to do is say "Kevin “Rashid” Johnson" and the Aryan Brotherhood will not be the ones they have to turn to for protection. We also do not believe that Kevin “Rashid” Johnson truly writes the letters credited to him, Tom Watts is most likely ghost writing for him. To many of us have caught Tom Watts not only lying to us, but we find that he has been black balling us as well as the remnants of the Maoist Internationalist Movement which survives in its prison chapters. Why would Kevin “Rashid” Johnson write negative letters about the Maoist Internationalist Movement? It makes no sense. Please read these three posts from the primary blog: Never trust the Trotskyists: PART 1Never trust the Trotskyists: PART 2 and Never trust the Trotskyists: PART 3. Make sure to read those three posts or the betrayal of these screenshots taken by one of our own in Panther C.O.D.E will make no sense at all. As can be seen here, Tom Watts had Libria Consolidation Party as part of his likes on Facebook. Several people have confronted him on this only to get unfriended by him or in some cases blocked. This first screenshot was taken when the Libria Consolidation Party still had its Facebook pages. Our Comrade had several problems including jail time shortly after taking this screenshot. 

This screenshot below was taken on October 10, 2019 showing that Tom Watts does not care about who sees his endorsement of one of the most disturbing eurocentric Trotskyist tenancies, it is believed that the entire Libria Consolidation Party would collapse if Steven Argue's front organization would be dismantled. One of the most disturbing issues with Tom Watts is how he can black ball us and our Comrades in the Bundist Movement yet also embrace these Trotskyists.  
The United Panther Movement must expel Tom Watts, failing to do so will only harm Pantherism.
Panther C.O.D.E is 100% Marxist-Leninist-Maoist and we utilize Lin Biao's work. There are a lot of so-called Marxist-Leninist-Maoists who seem to forget that during the end it was none other than Mao Zedong who betrayed the Chinese Socialist Revolution. Lin Biao never betrayed the Chinese Socialist Revolution. It is possible for euro-American Anarchists to fall into the category of Pantherism, it is even possible for Maoist-Third Worldists to fall into the category of Pantherism. It is however impossible for Trotskyists or ordinary Marxist-Leninists to fall into the category of Pantherism. Pantherism must borrow heavily from MLM theory even if the group practicing Pantherism is not MLM. Pantherism is a Anti-Colonial Impulse, it is the Socialist tendency for de-colonization. Pantherism is not above criticizing the original Black Panthers for their mistakes. Panther C.O.D.E is waiting to come out of the shadows. The New People's War will be in the urban cities in the First World and the Shanty towns in the Third World. Although Panther C.O.D.E is MLM, Panther C.O.D.E is not dogmatic. Despite Comrade Lenin's rejection of National-Cultural Autonomy, we embrace it because this is exactly what the Black Panthers were doing. We accept the notion of Permanent Revolution, but we reject the original Trotskyist interpretation of Permanent Revolution. We also will and have already expelled several liars from our ranks who make the claim that Vladimir Lenin supported Permanent Revolution because this is incorrect, lying about history is against the rules in C.O.D.E we acknowledge the contributions of Leon Trotsky but understand that he was also a notorious liar. Joseph Stalin was the true inheritor of Vladimir Lenin's Vanguard and he saved it from Leon Trotsky. We base our Theory of Permanent Revolution on two main sources. The first source is Dona Newman's reinterpretation of Permanent Revolution and the second is a Synthesis Theory that the late founder of Panther C.O.D.E developed. The Synthesis Theory is a re-theorization of Huey Newton's Intercommunalism which is good but overrated because of its flaws and the Theory of Global People's War from the Leading Light Communist Organization which is a breakthrough in theory but also flawed by over-generalization. 
The Bundist Movement is the only group that is equal to our level of Pantherism. It is obvious that the Bundist Movement is not Marxist-Leninist-Maoist yet they borrowed from Leninism, Maoism and even Third Worldism. The Bundist Movement is flawed in one way though, they are not Communists. Socialism must become Communism. Bundists do not seem to understand that after Socialism that only correct conclusion afterwards is Communism. The Bundist Movement considers us to be crippled in our logic for acknowledging that Communism is the endgame for us all. Despite this, even with this disagreement the Bundist Movement is the one group that we consider to be our revolutionary equals. Theory is important, so although our Theory is superior to theirs, they contributed to our Theory. When a revolutionary movement removes theory it becomes reactionary. When a revolutionary movement removes practice it proves to be phony. The Bundist Movement has done more practicing of revolutionary action in the United States than any other manifestation of Pantherism.
Pantherism is best expressed and most stable as Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. Pantherism can be Anarchist, but this will fail if it does not evolve. Pantherism can be Maoism-Third Worldism, but it is time for Third Worldists to realize that they are more of a split within Maoism itself instead of a new phase in Marxism. World Revolution will come. Tom Watts and the White Panthers is not how to get there. Left Unity is not how to get there. Sectarianism is not how to get there. Pantherism is the answer but Tom Watts, utopian Left Unity, Sectarian in fighting with the Anarchists and the Third Worldists, these three things are what holds Pantherism back from forwarding World Revolution. Tom Watts and the White Panthers make de-colonization impossible by destroying dialectics and blackballing true revolutionaries. Left Unity will strangle the revolution, we can not be unified with unresolvible contradictions such as Trotskyists, ordinary Marxist-Leninists and Hoxhaists; we also can not always back Anarchists when we understand just how anti-materialist they are nor can we always back Maoist-Third Worldists when we see just how confused they are when it comes to the importance of de-colonization. Sectarianism towards Anarchism and Maoism-Third Worldism will betray the World Revolution, we can look down on the Anarchists all we want but they are willing to fight and we need to support them, we can get frustrated with Maoist-Third Worldists until we get sick but when all is said and done they are correct on a variety of issues that we have to adopt because it is correct to adopt those ideas. One divides into two -- this is a universal phenomenon, and this is dialectics.

Black History Month

We have more posting for you. All of them with new and updated information. This is a News Post looking back at our history. Educate yoursel...